Archon Reveal When?

Y’all got anymore of that overhealing?


I’m honestly wondering what they’re going to do with healers next expansion. Right now we overheal around 40%.

They’ll probably increase everyone’s hp bars to compensate (+20% or more) and buff single target heals again.


Right, every class has self healing built in now. Like why even have healers anymore.

Honestly, Archon should change Halo to become (or at least, some of the overheals contribute to) a shield.

Yea the overhealing really is nuts.

I can see them increasing health bars. I think it’d be a good start even if it’s just like a first step thing to help offset some over-healing.

And yea healing and healers really need to be looked at in certain areas. There’s plenty of healers that raise good points about changes and what could work. The issues will blizz make any of these meaningful changes and make people happy to heal in TWW. I’m worried about the state of healing if blizz goes the way of making a majority of healers unhappy again in TWW like they did with DF

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For visuals…

After seeing the Naaru inspired tier set, I had a thought that it would be cool if you got a visual effect with those Naaru crystal like floating bits in the form of Angelic Wings and you pulse energy with Holy having Yellow and Shadow having Purple colored variants during Apotheosis / Dark Ascension.

For gameplay…

I really thought we would have more word related spells beyond just Power Word: Fortitude lol.

Some ideas…

  • Each Halo created causes your next Shadow Word: Death to restrain the targets damage they deal to you by 100% of the damage dealt for 5 seconds, stacks may overlap.
  • Each Halo created grants Deathspeaker [if known] and can stack up to 2.
  • Each Halo created grants your next Power Word: Shield to absorb 100% more damage.
  • Power Word: Life grants a Power Word: Shield absorbing 50% of the healing received.
  • When your Halo heals a target with Prayer of Mending, Prayer of Mending bounces to a new target a leaves behind an absorb shield for 100% of the Prayers heal.
  • When your Halo heals a target, it leaves behind a Renew.

I just would think they can add a lot of interaction with the additional Halos being created and returning and tie that into our kit.

They did it a bit with Surge of Insanity but they could add a bit more than boring passives.

Really make me feel like a force of pure energy and power.

I don’t remember well the lore text, but doesn’t it involve to have been in contact with a being from a higher plane?
And if so then…we got just a Halo buff?

Honestly i would have though of a temporary super form of Light or Shadow (why not both?) with such lore text.

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We also share 1 or 2 common points with the shadow tree. Everything else has different effects. They literally could have given us both the heal and damage procs and gave the skills near identical. Now it just feels like we have our own tree

The saving grace of this whole hero tree thing is that our tier set appearance is still going to be fire

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It’s almost as if Archon should have been for Disc/Holy

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What is the priest tier set appearance? I haven’t seen it yet.

Edit: Never mind then! I have found it. Wowzers is that a beautiful set!

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they are breaking the Tank dps healer trilogy without designing classes properly.

I honestly feel every since mana was taken away, things went further down.

The new resource system is soo simplistic, boring, and lazy. it doesn’t fit well with every class / spec. just look at how they are forcing it on Aff locks with Malefic disappointment.


Yea it is!

Yeah, it’s functional no problem but the lack of Shadow influence for holy (and lack of holy for Shadow) make it so Archon does not fit well between Shadow and Holy, more like Disc/Holy and i bet that most would prefer the Archon hero talents there than Oracle.

In fact i would have switched both talent trees and made Oracle playing around the absolute thruth of the Light and the thousand truths of the Void thematically.

As it is Archon is more a two trees in one without a true fantasy like we can find with Voidweaver, Rider of the Apocalypse, Elune’s Chosen and many more.

A longer more powerful cd should actually work out better, especially for shadow.

No matter how you slice it, Shadow is diametrically opposed to Holy. So any talent tree that is supposed to take aspects of both and make it work will be a struggle at best.

The idea of just swapping Oracle and Archon will not change anything.

Because if you are suggesting that the shadow aspect of Oracle is the “many truths of Void” then that would and should find it’s s way into Voidweaver as that is CLEARLY the Void related tree. Otherwise you will have 2 shadow trees that focus around Void which Void is firstly only a subset of Shadow. Void is a part of Shadow but Shadow is not a part of Part, it is above it, beyond it. Shadow is the pinnacle of that cosmic alignment, not Void.

They could have gone in a different direction for Archon that better aligns with the Archons description and actually deliver this “Ultimate” form but sadly the current Archon tree misses that mark a bit.

But even then, Archon still has a better chance than Oracle to work for Holy and Shadow, it just needs a bit more work and perhaps a different direction… but I don’t think a different direction is an option at this point. So hopefully there is enough room to tweak some things to make it the best it can be with taking the primary focus of Halo and its multiple pulses into consideration and add interesting interactions revolving around that feature.

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I agree, at first with the description i though that we will have a sort of ultimate or something cool to show visually but we only get this…

Well maybe there’s a way to do it without changing much:
When casting halo, made the character to levitate with a half light / half shadow form with the wings from Dark ascension and Apotheosis for 10 seconds.
Then the first halo casted will be Light and the second one will be Shadow, same when they will return.

It’s only cosmetics but at least we would have the half-light / half shadow fantasy it’s supposed to be and as all these assets are already done, it will require minimal work from the artists to do this “ultimate form”.
As for the coding part… i don’t know if it’s hard to do this.

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I personally like the idea of just going with the Kyrian blue aesthetic for spell color. Perhaps only for Halo?

I was thinking of both StarCraft Archon with its Psionic powers theme and Kyrian Angelic color scheme which also has the wow version of Archon based in and create something by mixing all that together that works for Holy and Shadow.

Sadly, I think we are past that point as I’m sure they already picked a direction of visual design updates alongside the direction of this Halo centric mechanic.


And it’s boring :

I wish to have another visual, more impactful. My complain until now is just around the fantasy of Archon, not really about the talents themselves.

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