Archon Reveal When?

If they want to create a Halo that expands and then returns to you, they might as well replace Halo with the Cascade of yore.

Bring back Cascade!

I really had my expectations to high. I played myself. Le sigh. I’ll still take this over oracle though.


after oracle , holy will take anything tbh so archon doesnt look that bad

edit : fixed man mixed both hero specs , need some sleep

Very true. I’m trying to at the very least look at it like that. Better than oracle at the very least

Archon is a massive disappointment for Shadow, further demonstrating the challenges with continuing to support two versions of the spec, and in no way reflects the fantasy the flavor text promises.


Hmm, no cascade, but Halo will functionally act the same. They must be changing the tree around so we get Halo baseline.

I have some other questions.

* Word of Supremacy needs to go imho. It’s a mandatory pick for raid because it’s a +10% stamina bonus which also gives Holy/Shadow a power advantage over Disc. +10% stamina would also be really strong for high-end keys to survive big hits. There’s literally zero wiggle room to play Oracle for raid or even M+ because of how powerful Word of Supremacy is.

  • Cascade will probably be available in the tree somehow. Just a hunch.
  • I’m assuming Halo is going to be baseline somehow or more accessible.
  • Sustained Potency basically makes Answered Prayers a mandatory pick.
  • Bit strange that Energy Cycle makes SoL reduce Sanctifys cooldown instead of Serenity.

Overall this tree looks pretty good and is way better than Oracle in utility and healing. The pulsing Halo’s do help with Holy’s lack of passive AOE healing in M+.


i think word of supremacy is just for the priest

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I read it like that as well.

But does that mean if another Priest that is NOT an Archon recast Fortitude that it then overrides yours and thus reduces your max health? Awkward… lol

If it’s just yourself then that’s fine. If it’s +10% Fort to the raid then that’s super busted.

nah dont think so

“you have a more powerfull version” or something like that? , it was changed in Woltk afaik

Word of Supremacy:

Power Word: Fortitude grants

-you -

an additional 5% stamina.

so yeah…
Idk what to say.

im honestly just very disappointed over all.


How they are just targeting one ability and making the theme all around that one ability. its not even the best ability they can choose. Priestt have soo many, yet the least likely one gets chosen <.<
Halo on shadow =/.

Please just delete Void Eruption & dark ascension from shadow spec and redesign it into voidweaver
Void eruption for shadow in voidweaver
Dark Ascension for disc in voidweaver.

Get these out of the talent tree. Get me away from this already.
Why must we keep suffering this torment ~ silvanas.


I’m assuming they’re going to seriously rebalance Halo because let’s just take the current stats.

  • Halo does about 600k a cast to a 20 man raid on average.
  • If the next 2 pulses do 2x the healing… that’s quite literally like using Divine Hymn and Holy Word Salvation every 45 seconds. Easily almost 2.5-3mil healing…

They’ll have to either increase the cd of Halo or nerf its baseline healing by 50% or more. Halo would quite easily be your #1-2 heal after Echo of Light otherwise.

For M+ the update to Halo does help with Holy’s lack of passive AOE healing to help with countering rot auras and topping people off that you’d manually need to cast Flash Heal on. I think to really make it work in a 5 man setting they’d have to increase the healing of Halo by like +100%.

Talent calculator has been updated…

They increased the cooldown to 1 min, up from 40 sec. just fyi.


  • Halo cooldown increased to 1 min (was 40 seconds)
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this is not even remotely close to what I would incision a Shadow and holy spec to be. rip.


Yea to be honest I can see how it could be pretty strong but the fantasy just isn’t vibing with me idk. I don’t hate halo I actually typically like it but man I should’ve tempered my expectations. Also let’s see how we are tuned as well. We may get a positive outcome even if it’s a bit boring

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Yea I don’t love that

For what it’s worth, it is pretty fun to play as a healer, I think.

It’s neat watching a bunch of halos fire off and come back to you. It also removes like the worst weaknesses of Halo, and it has a lot of power packed into it.

But the improved fort/PI is a mistake.

Didn’t see it in the notes.

I will say that probably the most powerful buff is Sustained Potency. An extra +6s to Apotheosis is a lot… that’s 26s for regular Apotheosis and 14s for Answered Prayers.

That’s very easily 1-2 extra Holy Word resets during the duration. If they don’t revert Holy Word Salvation to being a 30s reset per Holy Word instead of 15s with the loss of the current tier set then this will end up being the only way to get 5 minute Holy Word Salvation resets.

Or they’re going to nerf Apotheosis/Answered Prayers… another dumb kiss/curse design.

It lines up with Dark Ascension, Mindbender and Mindgames as they are all 1 min cooldowns.

Then every other cast will align with Power Infusion and Void Eruption.

Assuming no changes happenings to Class/Spec tree but I would HAVE to assume we will see some levels of changes.

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