Archon priest

blessed from higher beings to enter into an ascended state, becoming an ultimate version of themselves

their description

the gameplay: halo

am I missing something, wheres the higher beings that would bless me? how do I ascend? all Im doing is casting halo, is it right, the description doesnt match at all, they tried something and then scraped? what happened?


Haha, you do get the healing bonus in Apotheosis - and the hero talent really should’ve revolved around Apotheosis. It’s been a loong time since I’ve played shadow, not sure if they have some voidform/shadowform equivalent to Apotheosis but I guess they felt that shadow lacked something comparable to base the hero tree around.

So we get… mostly halo buffs. I don’t think a lot of thought went into this, they just wanted to use something off the shelf and reversing the animations on an existing spell clearly fit the bill for low dev time. :slight_smile:


yea theres no interaction with shadow, only things like ‘‘your mind flay: insanity now deal 60% more dmg’’ ok cool but wheres the new form the description said to me

I feel like they just rushed priest and whatever deal it with until the next major patch to pray for a rework


I mean i’ve only played disc priest void weaver, but the dev time was probably spent there, its pretty sick.

It’s less of a “hit this button to become godlike” and more-so, your kit is overall better. Stronger PW Fort, stronger PI, harder hitting during void form or Dark ascension.

And the buffs we get with halo make one of our main dps spells hit really hard. Its not perfect, but its pretty nice regardless.

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To me it would be perfect if they somehow brought back sear in some form with archon, I guess that’s just wishful thinking

Dark Ascension would be the best fit for Shadow.

If anything, it would make more sense for Voidweaver.

But in either case, it would be contentious as that really should be a core Shadow kit and not limited to Hero talents.

Somebody just used AI to create fancy descriptions for hero trees that don’t exactly match.


Shadow archon halo interaction just gives additional / extends our time in Void Form.
As well as give a damage amp. Which does follow the theme of

Strong and longer CD windows.

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I kinda wish there was a choice talent for Archon where it always puts you into your form for x duration after you use Devouring Plague or something but in turn your cooldown now becomes a passive in that you can no longer activate it.

That means you would have 1 less manual cast of a spell to do and you get some semblance of consistent damage similar to how MoP and WoD worked with Devouring Plague becoming your sudo cooldown.

Basically sacrifice your cooldown for a passive version that triggers off a spell use for a short duration, essentially Demon Hunters Demon Form.

It would also be nice if when you are in your cooldown, your spells become empowered versions of themselves similar to Demon Hunter.

So basically your Insanity would not require a proc while in your cooldown as Mind Flay and Mind Spike would always be their insanity version.

Maybe make it a choice node in Archon tree also.

Just trying to think how to bring to life the “ultimate form” feeling to match the description.


Nah that isn’t really fair to say, priest has some of the better hero talents for sure. When you press halo and you have 4 insanity casts to use, that feels extremely good and powerful. It’s super fun. Voidweaver and oracle have some of the better visuals out of hero talents too, gameplay for all 3 is pretty good too (I know shadow priests have their concerns).

I agree archon is lacking a bit visually as it’s just a pulsing halo, it is easy to tell when a priest is archon though. I think it should maybe give you a new form for the duration of halos pulsing effect. Some sort of cool Angel form or something interesting.

I am a bit mixed on this.

On one hand I see the Naaru theme in the new tier set gear and would think it would look cool to take on aspects of a Naaru where we have some disjointed floating shapes that move like wings on our back and possibly other parts of our body.

On the other hand, the Archon artwork clearly depicts a more angelic imagery.

So perhaps you can look at the Kyrian in Shadowlands and if you compare the Kyrian wing back transmog and the long flowing wings the Ascended have then maybe just obtain those wings in glowing Light for Holy and flowing Dark for Shadow while Halo is doing its thing.

If you happen to be in Dark Ascension with its winged visual, then the Halo wings would just override the visual so you don’t have 2 stacking sets of wings.


Yea both hero classes for Holy priest are a bit of a bummer. Oracle is supposed to give you a premonition to counter something that is going to happen very soon. instead it gives you 3 rotating buffs that last a few short seconds that are rarely up when you need the exact one.

And yea… Archon. I had in my mind the Archon of Shadowlands. The leader of the Kyrian, A being of angelic majesty. Instead all i got was a 3 proc Halo and a couple flashes of light.

I am disappointed though Archon is much more enjoyable to play than Oracle.


I have to admit, as a Shadow Priest, I went Voidweaver for the theme and it looks great. I felt very underwhelmed with Archon as, what you’re getting at with this post, nothing about it feels like it fits the theme described.

But after playing with Archon through a couple of dungeons with Voidform, I can say it regardless of fitting the theme, it feels good to play and slaps. The amount of off-healing from Halo is really nice. I know Voidweaver with Dark Ascension supposedly performs better than Voidform, but it just doesn’t feel good to me. Feels like there’s too much downtime, but maybe that’s just on me.

That said, it is only normals, so we’ll see how each actually perform in Mythics.

I really wish they’d adjust them so that Voidform actually is preferred for Voidweaver and Dark Ascension is preferred for Archon. And also make Dark Ascension instant cast already.

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Haven’t touched my Priest yet and didn’t test these on beta. But this is my thinking as well.

If I personally have better acuity with something that doesn’t necessarily pencil out to the best option but it just works out to flow better for me then that’s what I am going to do.

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Haha, yeah I don’t know about anyone else but if there’s a lazy option to macro/WA something in and not have to think too much about it, that’s what I’m going with myself.

Archon certainly fits the bill of “no additional thought required” which is a win in itself. :slight_smile:

Oh I read oracle quite differently. I see those rotating buffs as something that you actually have to plan for. You have to know when a big event is coming if you want the perfect buff for the job. You’re “seeing” what is needed in the future.

thats hyper optimizing though. Truth be told each buff is strong enough that whichever buff is up, its useful in any situation, plus the extra charge gets you through the cycle pretty quickly.

I’m sorry youre disappointed with the hero talents we got, but personally I think we could have been much worse off.

A premonition as defined:

a strong feeling that something is about to happen,
“he had a premonition of imminent disaster”

So if you have a premonition, You take action to avert said premonition. Not plan things out happening in the future, but to respond to a specific event. a feeling, and to counter it.

Not much responding to a premonition if you have to rotate 3 different buffs. You have a premonition a boss is about to do a massive aoe damage on the team, But you have the cooldown reduction buff up when you likely need the over healing cleave buff up. Not much reaction to the premonition there lol

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Your tone is coming off rather salty here. I’m not arguing with you, just giving my perspective.

Lets take your scenario at face value. AoE coming but we have CDR buff instead of the aoe one? Great, thats why we have 2 charges, pop em both. Then you can spam out 4 PoMs then pump healing into yourself to heal everyone around you. Suddenly you’re doing even MORE AoE healing than you would if you only had the one buff.

Theres plenty that could be worked on with the priest class. Lots that needs addressing. Oracle is a bright spot in our healing tool kit. Adaptive and strong.

Well I agree, but only IF you’re a holy priest :sweat_smile:

For disc it’s basically catering to a playstyle nobody will want to take with them in a group even if it “works” unless it gets crazy overtuned or something.

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