Archon addon is the line we shouldn't cross

Do they need to make a disclaimer when they’re logging? Do people need to do that for recording?

I’m not a fan of wiping for hours , don’t get me wrong. But any class can clear all the content in the game so having to be the most optimal possible is not a necessary at all. I myself got parsed by other and ended up with somewhat a good score but I still point out the fact that you shouldn’t be able to mouse over someone head and have all their gameplay infos about them. It’s cancer on its own just to think about it…



It’s gone past the point of ensuring a run will work to ensuring your parses don’t get tarnished.


No there’s no reason to disclaimer logging. It’s an automatic function of the game client.

People aren’t checking logs for optimal players.

They’re trying to figure out if you have 1 or 2 brain cells.

Some are, some aren’t. It’s their party though, they can set whatever arbitrary criteria they want to for it.

They are though. You should be able to clear all content with everyone parsing blues.

You do realize that means 50% of the players you might be picking blindly don’t fit into that criteria, right?

And the top players usually aren’t looking around for pugs.

Lol okay dude.

That shouldn’t really matter either. You’ll generally get a mixed bag, some pulling more than their weight, some less.

This is SoD not a job.

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Lower rankings are usually filled with alts or really bad people.

Well thankfully for you, you don’t even need a raid with all blue parses to clear the place. Plenty of green average raids can complete it even.

It still requires some effort from players to do. And you highly underestimate the amount of work some people will not do.

because even if u contribute but not “Parse” as high as what parser maggots want, u will be denied and gatekeeped.


You know addons are just tools right, and the players themselves are the source of toxicity?

So a very pertinent next move would be to not play with toxic players, which completely sidesteps any of this log checking crap.

I mean I personally thought this was obvious.

No body that is halfway decent at the game is denying people because they didn’t parse high enough for a pug.

Any legit raid leader or player will generally look at the log and figure out why it is the way it is before making a decision on invitation.

not only should this addon get banned, but warcraft logs itself should be banned. Its a breach of privacy.


They should just ban damaging abilities so people don’t have to gatekeep those that don’t do enough.

First random log I clicked on, half green half blue. Couple of wipes but otherwise full clear.

Why are people using wcl to gatekeep anyone that doesnt have orange parses or high purples?

The player base has gone insane. The worse this game gets the worse the community is. It’s like when you are cooking and you reduce the water in your dish to get a more concentrated flavour. In classic that flavour is crap.


Yup. You don’t need good parses to do this content.

It’s almost like the people thinking they’re being gatekept by this don’t know really why they suck at the game.

How is it a breach of privacy? What personally identifying information is it sharing? You consent to be logged when you join a party. Every single person’s game client is always logging.