Just like the title says, the Archivist’s Elegant Bag is an entirely different model than it was before the pre-patch. Why?
Second this, it would be one thing if they’d changed it before it even released but they did it now? It’s not even nearly as good looking… I farmed the currency for that bag in particular.
I worked REALLY hard to get that backpack. Please, why was this changed?
Yeah farmed like crazy for the beautiful bag now it’s an ugly basket. It matched my Vancleef mog perfectly now its garbage.
Bumping in hopes of this getting attention because every time I see that blasted replacement model I never asked for in my collections it just irks me to no end. Why can’t it just be added as a new separate item that people can grind for if they choose?
Bump, gonna try to keep this topic active until it gets either acknowledged in patch notes/known bugs or is fixed
Bump for ongoing issue
Bump, still an issue
Yes, I’m pretty upset by this change. It was one of my top ten favorite cosmetics.
Issue still ongoing bump
Bumpity bump
Bumping, as it’s STILL not fixed yet. Seriously, it’s been over a week. Please turn the bag back.
They still haven’t changed one of the bags from there back to its original (and proper) color, to match the set with the same name.
Also hoping this gets fixed! Cute backpack > bucket of tools.
Still not fixed, never seen the wow with so many bugs as this pre-patch, it’s horrendous
A lot of people specifically grinded the event just for that backpack. If they wanted to add a new model, they should have made that one optional. The backpack serves a purpose and is appropriate for a Reliquary Archivist.
Exactly! It was SO FASHIONABLE. They’re robbing our trial of style week of GLORY!
Issue still not fixed Hopefully with more of us posting in here it will be addressed soon enough
So I did some digging into this. It appears that this unique backpack mog:
Extremely random and extremely disappointing. There is no disputing that the original model was both superior and better looking. This combined with the fact that the was also unique and has no recolour is a total slap in da face moment to the playerbase.
Bump. It’s still not fixed, as we all know. It’s such a shame too…the original appearance was one of my favorites for a back piece in the game.