I find the weekly quest that rewards pinnacle cache, but I talked to the guy “Dragran Thaurissan II” in “The Archive” room, he chatted with the lady for a while, then nothing, there’s no port/gate or anything to progress, nor did the quest change to anything else… still shows “Progress further in the campaign to unlock The Archives”. I have finished my main campaign, this must be bugged?
others have the same problem, please fix, thank you
Before we can do THAT quest, we actually have to finish up the campaign quest called “The Fleet Arrives” and the final one called “Embassies and Envoys.” However—in order to do those, you have to be at Reputation 4 for Council of Dornogal, The Assembly of the Deeps, Hallowfall Arathi and The Severed Threads.
Once all four have been accomplished, head back to Dornogal where you left Anduin, Moira and company to finish up the campaign quests “The Fleet Arrives” and the final one called “Embassies and Envoys.”
I got 4 renown done and did more quests in campaign and yes finally can finish the quest (blizzard should do a better job at this to avoid confusion)
but I only got 1 fractured spark, last week the guy by the catalyst can make it 2, this week nothing, so I guess each week only 1 fractured from now on?
One would think that it wouldn’t even give you the quest “the Archives: The First Disc” unless you’d completed the Fleet Arrives and have something that actually indicates this a requirement to advance the quest line.
this is hands down the least intuitive expac. the quests randomly end, at least 3 dungeons are particularly confusing. not liking this new direction. ty for your help.
at this point i feel like i can’t afford to skip ANY quests at all. light knows which ones i need and don’t, better safe than sorry.