Archimonde Horde Reconnections

vendlenice, 14/f/cali lf a good time


RIP =(

By the way, I’m Hayubez. To everyone I played with on this server, sorry for being a jerk.

Fordon! Sup!

Me, Dance, Sham, and Life were all playing BFA together on Zuljin.
They didn’t roll classic though. -__- Dance n Sham are on a wow break i think, Life is raiding BFA still.

Dance n sham got married! woo!

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Haven’t chosen a server yet. Not sure where ppl going, seems like nothing concrete going on, may just pick one and go from there.

willwill undead mage

I was in BoH as well Majik! I was Vandris (Warlock). Miss the BoH crew. Wish There were more reconnecting on here. I ended up on Ashkandi for Classic. Let me know if you connect with anyone else. I’m playing a lock named Vandris and a Rogue named Zeku so far!

I remember Flurm!! I’m sadly not in contact with any of the old members. I have been poking around over the years trying to find them, and hoped I’d be able to here.

I definitely remember Gannonthorpe. Nice to see you still around. Do you know if any other Rebel Alliance members are still around?

I started playing right before TBC launched so I didn’t spend a lot of time in vanilla. Still looking for some ol’ faces of Archimonde.

I mostly played a Blood Elf Priest named Ruffles (Had to name change to Ruffels after some server transfers around WoTLK but I always ended up back on Archi.) and an Undead Rogue named Tehsquizzle.

I spent time in both < Blood of Heroes vxv > and < Dazed and Confused > before creating my own guild in Cata < We Have Cake >

I’m spending my time on Smolderweb. Still Ruffles the priest but this time Undead!

Dregash/Scyll Rogue in Section One.

Yo, cess, hows it going man? Its Dregash/Scyll. its been a long time.

Paint from Crucifuxion around late vanilla early TBC checking in. I recall Dreamflange.

Tauren Warrior: Freefood
Back in the day, Seek and Destroy

Can you get in touch with me? Add me on bnet, hexen#1630

yo dude! remember me?