Archimonde Horde Reconnections

They are trying to give us that authentic classic launch feel. Now the server needs to be down for 2 days with no explanation.

I don’t know if anyone remembers an Undead Warlock named Zyta. Maybe someone remembers more about that time frame than I do.

Not like I got a drink ready, a candle burning, a pillow on the back of the chair to sit for 4 hours in the queue or anything!

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I sent you a Bnet friend request. I’m the weird spelled Reynolds :smile:

Holy cow. This stuff is surreal. I searched KoA and a bunch of names came flying back.

Bryan, Orc Shaman here. Raided with KoA in Vanilla from ZG>Naxx. Was in most first kills. I was just a baby then, 18 years old, and kind of an outsider. Was fun racing Firpo and Renalden to the raid signups on the guild forums every week at 6am. I used to set an alarm just to raid with you folks:) Hail!

I’ll be on Whitemane btw.


You do know that some of us never left.
Wurgy < Section One >
Molten Core Club for the win?

Just dug up Dreddok’s Rag Kill video from 2005. Nostalgia for classic is strong.


Hi Wurgy good to see you

I hate the full sentence crap these forums force you to do, real message below



You got a link to the video?

Capture was done circa 2005, so forgive the potato quality.

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Awesome, thanks dude

Herod is a joke. 5hr queue to log in? Aint no body got time for that. I’m on Benediction for better or worse. I dont get to PLAY 5hrs in a week sometimes, i cant be waiting every time i go to log in. GL to you on Herod Thamuz, wish the queues weren’t so stupid.

because blizzard doesn’t have their shot together, we had to make corporate decisions. THE CORPORATION WILL BE OPENING THEIR NEW FIELD OFFICE ON KROMCRUSH, FIND ME

because blizzard doesn’t have their shot together, we had to make corporate decisions. THE CORPORATION WILL BE OPENING THEIR NEW FIELD OFFICE ON KROMCRUSH, I have to change the post body Jesus I hate these new forums they are not compliant with corporation codes

It’s awesome to see a lot of old names on here. Would like to see more New Dawn people here. I played in New Dawn, Letalis, and Ad Infinitum. My main was Fordon an Undead Priest and also played Allsey an Undead Rogue.
Would like to see if Triumphius, Sgthax, Layzie, and Viracochac are still around.


Glad to see your still around, do you still talk with any of the old AI people?

I remember you being in New Dawn at the end of Vanilla and early BC.

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I was in it for a good while. Played as an orc warrior named Ciroc and an orc hunter named Skajar. Played with Xyn and Erik(something), can’t remember the last part of his name.

Untoldfury Tauren Shaman who healed for Entropy from MC through AQ40 Progression. Have any of my old guildmates come back?

Lavitris - The Ancient Order, that one troll enhanc shaman on the server with hand of rag. I made a terrible PVP video back in the day - y’all might remember some of the alliance in the video.

Rolled a priest on Incendius with the same name.