Archimonde Alliance Reconnections

aye! there is a familiar name!

Thorgouge - Gnome Mage from The Core Alliance, Harmless, Place Holder, all the poorly named guilds. I’ve kept in touch with a handful of people but it’s awesome to see so many familiar names. I keep scouring these forums and vanillafriends to find those I’ve lost touch with.

Likely rolling Herod… on the fence about Horde v Alli depending on a few factors. Can’t wait to sit in launch day queues for 4 days straight just like we did back on Archimonde!

Sophei - NE Druid Can’t remember the guild names I was in until we formed Mourning for AQ/Naxx. I remember a lot of names here, what a trip… Looking for others from Mourning

Hey mooti, I will add ya on Most the old guys i still talk to aren’t planning on playing classic though. And now i’m old and can’t play as much as I will need to. Still fun seeing all these names

I’m in contact with someone who has the name Elude on Herod. Tell him to get in contact with me, if he wants it. Barracoon#9584 on Discord.

People from Damage Networks, MisFits, The Core Alliance, all on Herod. It will be an Archimonde reunion.

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Well I’ll be damned.

Hey man! It’s Welchy, gonna be rolling alliance with some IRL friends on Herod.

Hey Sophei! Magrod here - Gnome Mage :slight_smile: Good to see a fellow Mourning player!

Zelethias NE Holy Priest
Fist of the Empire

Sepsi, Human Lock.

Oinland! UO and classic days!


Guilty! I’m a negative bro, but don’t remember you… the guild formed in BC not classic… hence why you can’t find any in here


Dasnake!!! What up bro!!! Awesome to see you playing still! S days son!

Yeah man i remember our “Fearless Leader” lol.

I also remember Gameil, Tonz, Sheepydead, Robur, Soifon, off the top of my head. “Eye of the Tiger” still makes me think of DoW everytime i hear it.

Anyone recognize the name Bailo? I was in the guild Benediction until changing to my main guild for the rest of Vanilla until AQ. The guild changed names later in vanilla but I am not sure to what (it could have been Damage Networks that sounds familiar). If not good luck to everyone, I’m sure I’ll see a few of you in a couple weeks :slight_smile:

Hey Teric i remember you guys, Fahir had the best movie trailer voice! i’m rolling on Herod as Horde, hit me up if you end up there too.

What up dude!!
You going to try classic? Server selection yet?

Heck yes I am! Not 100% yet, looks like the archimonde folks will be doing herod?? did I get the right name?

I made a character on Herod, Faerlina, and Fairbanks not sure what sever everyone will end up on so just kinda waiting to see how it goes.
Hit me up: