Archimonde Alliance Reconnections

Infinix, NE Rogue, i was one of 3 rogues, that fight LOL, was rough, I was actually the first rogue in the guild to get the Dragonfang Tooth from that fight, the rogue leader let me have it, cause he definitely had the DKP for it but he was nice lol. Side note, i still have that Dragonfang Tooth from that fight lol.

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Home! Qsuicide here, still active, same Archimonde, same Alliance, same dirty Gnome Warlock


In light of the recent streamer announcement, MisFits has decided to switch over to Herod PVP as our home.

We look forward to holding it down for the Alliance side on a high pop server once again. Cheers and enjoy Classic!

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Someone else got the name Playdough on Herod :frowning:

Oinland… that was the name of my best friend’s UO Chesapeake guild he created back when we were in college in '98 lol


Hail all, oldschool member of Lords of the Dead before the open transfer to Mug’thol, played as a gnome mage named Dharkaron, and a dwarf hunter named Helfdane.

Some may remember that Ragnaros bugged on us during one raid and wiped everyone except me, whom he ignored, so I just kept chucking frostbolts at him til he unbugged and ganked me lol. My hunter was the designated puller for trash packs in MC for us.

Seikk, Druid, or Healjobfree, pally. SuperFriends Guild! Anyone still play? I know we had a different guild name before, but it seems to be what it is now. I have the guild still on my druid.

Same people played in wow around 04/05 - Selminus and the Valsams, a few others too, but I can’t remember them all 15 years later.

I don’t think Agent Orange or Kwisatch ever played WoW, I know Serpentor did for a while lol. We all went to college together. I’ll have to ask 'em :stuck_out_tongue:

It HAS been a while LOL

Mnemic - NE Warrior Tank
Artra - Human Priest
Ivran - Human Warlock

Tank(Main) / Healer / Raid leader with Sacred Silver Blades, Dawn of War, and Ruinous Powers. Mostly tanked / co - raid leader with SSB and DoW - had a large alliance with other guilds such as THUG, DHS, & Berserk.

Looks like some old guild people, friends, and family are rolling Alliance on Harod.

Feel free to send me a message or add me if you are looking to reconnect. Mnemic#1744


Aeglos, Human Mage

Guild: Templar Knights, Damage Networks
Early Guilds: Eternal Avatar, Fist of the Empire

Quit soon after TBC launch. Might come back for classic…

Hey Jared and others!

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Quiksilver - Oinland. I’ll be on Faerlina alliance, see you guys there!

Hey Aeglos! Good to see you around. You coming back?

Leveling and doing some world PVP here and there sounds fun.

I’m not too keen on going through the 40 man grind again.


Much like the others, looks like we will be switching to Herod instead of Faerlina to avoid the streamer crowd

Gigginhoff, I remember you! It’s Teric from ! I was the GM, The Don!

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YES!!! MNEMIC, huge part of my classic days!


I remember TGWN, you guys were great! My best friend Fahir (dwarf hunter) was in your guild. It’s Teric from !

I’m looking forward to this myself! Classic Hype!

Cadul, Soulvalsam, and Valkyr played here for a bit too. I played with OiN for a bit on chessy as well.