Archimonde Alliance Reconnections

Yo dude! I used to sit outside dueling also, you ever hear from Brimbly?

Mysticwar : dwarf warrior
Guild : Pantheon

Snookits, NE warrior in catastrophe
played a belf hunter named pewz in tbc!

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YO THORZEN!!! Nadeslaped in the building!

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what server? Whitemane?

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Artee!! Honesti oh a familiar name :slight_smile:

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Hey! Its Tig ,i remember You !
Used to play Warrior In Catastrophe also. Switched to Shaman in BC Tigaria was her name

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Yes!! DHS! I played Eladyne (resto Druid) during vanilla ((and Beginnings (((now Laurelin))), SpaceGoat priest during BC)) before the disband.
Mnemic (from SSB) and I are super stoked to see who else is coming back!


Magrod Gnome Mage
Tickle Fight - Mourning

Saw some familiar faces but I imagine I would reconnect more after the Mug’thol split!

Ganareye from Home/Oinland here. I remember you because i was the NE warrior that had the same tiger. I remember we would stand together on the bridge haha.

I remember i transferred to join you guys at one point! I was Passe a NE warrior. I believe i came over in BC though, maybe Wrath?

what’s up oswin! this is stronghammer, from killuminati. how’ve you been?

Darkening - Human Priest. I primarily played with The Great White Ninjas and a little with Oinland towards the end of AQ40

Delthax here… been a while indeed… well on Archimonde at least.


Tigerous! hit me up on discord Pewz#1713

Instant of Ascend in 06’ - Rank 13 Gnome Mage

Barracoon of Ascend in '06 - Night Elf Rogue

Barracoon, Officer of Veritas Invictus in '08 - Orc Hunter

Reach out to me on Discord if we ever played together. Barracoon#9584

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I was Xiong, a dark elf abyss walker in Eternal Avatar on Gustin. Beliar was one of the first people I ever met in online gaming. lol

Hi Ragazath! Honesti here, my brother was Uthros the gnome rogue.

This is like a time warp

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Hey hey stronghammer! I’ve been real good its been so long hope you’re doing well. Have you been subbed this whole time? I quit sometime after wotlk, but the nostalgia brought me back. Do you keep in touch with anyone from the old guild?

Bragennix, I still love you and always will.

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Also hey cocksuckers, Llamahunter still lives.