I don’t think so for me, I wish they’d make it free to log in and chill for a bit but I haven’t had an active subscription in way too long…
I might attempt a comeback when they bring back TBC
Hey everyone whats good. It is I Acidspin archimondes greatest mystery. We have put together an excel sheet with around 45 of us who are planning to play Classic 2 raid nights a week 2 hours if needed (T/TH). If you guys are interested add my btag. Acidspin#11398 or add me to say hi!!!
Server is Herod Alliance.
Sup bragennix This is Taylorpaige and Cikorpyan brother were trying to get Spider to come back haha.
Hello, Jynxar from dark crusade/ascend and templar knights.
oinland/templar knights/damage networks, kalmah human priest
You didn’t put “Welcome to the pros” so your message doesn’t count. :^)
Hey Griphter, it has been awhile!
Maybe if you’re still willing to throw Innervates my way…
Was there anything worse than re-clearing AQ trash?
Moar hills, hills now!!!
Basherry. Greatest player to have ever played on Archimonde. Was born here. Still here. For ever here. Archimonde 4 life.
I’m stealing this layout from the dude above…
Guild: Pantheon
Main - Vegiecoli (Dwarf Paladin)
Familiar names seen/mentioned above: Ragazath (known as Raptor too right?), Honesti, Uthros, Mysticwar, Trafalgar, Kwacz
Beyond the names already mentioned some other folks that I’d love to hear from again…
Keeblerdevil (Keebz)
Oh man, too many names!
My BattleTag is vegiecoli#1153
Cikorpyan: Human Warrior
Main/Off Tank and PvP
Guilds(s): Fist of the Empire, Anxiety, Ascend
Used to roll with Taylorpage, Anglemage, Redips, Somusfable, Trulz, Saila
Hey Leda, Nade, Ela we’re going to play on the new PVP server they are releasing today called “Skeram”. Herod gonna be too crazy so if you reserved any on Herod delete and make your characters on Skeram.
I remember you mnemic! That alliance was so great when DHS joined as it allowed me to raid through MC/BWL. We were planning to group on Herod but are going to go Skeram instead because of the insane population and queues on Herod.
Sign me up
I made a mage on Herod, ‘Archaeglos’.
Jared, are you going back to rogue?
Oh man, Blah and MissusBlah, those are names i haven’t seen in ages, and Sleeps too, brings back the memories.