Archaic Cipher Key - The Key to Success quest shows Delver's Journey reward capped

I just got this item for the first time from a t8 bountiful delve. The quest it gave was “The Key to Success”. The reward for Delver’s Journey progress has red text for the amount of 3k, which usually means you are at the cap and will not get anymore from this. I am definitely not maxed on my Delver’s Journey, so I am scared to turn in the quest.

Anyone else seen this in the quest and turned it in without issue, or is it broken?

Edit: After seeing people say that it still gave the reward even though the text was red, i went and turned my quest in, and it did in fact give me the Journey progress :slight_smile:


I just turned this in. it showed 3k and it was red. I turned it in anyway not knowing any better. I got 0. Apparently this currency does cap.


Same. No rep on turn in.


Received this quest today for the first delve of the week. Don’t understand how Delver’s journey progress is already capped.


Same. First delve of the week, and somehow already capped. Haven’t turned in the quest yet, reward text is red.

I’ve been doing a lot of T8 bountiful delves and my progress is only at the second “tick” on the journey so feels like a lot of grinding for no progress. Bug? Working as designed? Who knows.


Definitely a bug that this is granting 0. There isn’t really a weekly “cap” on journey progress except the 28 bountiful delves across your account. Glad I caught this thread so I can wait out turning it in.


I turned it in and thought it was going to fill in the last bubble for the discounted keys but it didn’t :\

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I’m sitting at max delver’s journey but it won’t unlock discounted coffer keys. Looks like another bug in an expansion full of them. Maybe another 6 hour maintenance will fix it?


The experience is red for me, too, I’m glad I looked this up before turning it in. I’m nowhere close to being maxed out.


I turned it in without thinking (dangit).

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I’ve done a couple more bountiful t8 delves that are supposedly awarding delvers journey progress but nothing is pushing it over into that final cheaper key bubble :\
timegate after timegate lolllll


Same, stuck at the end of the bar with the last bubble refusing to fill in.

I’m also stuck. Thankfully I haven’t turned in “The Key to Success” yet, but it shows that it’s red.

Even worse, I’m stuck on my delver’s journey progress, literally just before it fills in the third bubble (Lantern Nose stage). I just completed a T8 delve and my Delver’s Journey didn’t increase, though my Brann rep did.

Considering that many people are entirely done with their Delver’s Journey, I don’t believe there is a cap, this has to be a bug and I hope they fix it soon. It’s going to be really rough to do delves this week with the bonuses and not be able to progress the most important part.


I am only 2.5 bubbles into Delver’s Journey so there is no way I’m capped out and it’s red for me as well. I’m glad I caught this and can hold on to it. Hopefully they go back and reward the people who turned it in without getting the xp they were supposed to. I don’t get how Blizz doesn’t catch these things. This would be one of the first things people see with Delver’s week.

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Delves aren’t getting the 25% extra journey points either upon completion.


Yeah, turned it in earlier and it doesn’t make any progress at all. What a weird bug.

Adding to this. Also had it happen. Turned in no progress


Same issue here. Got this quest yesterday on my first delve of the week, and the 3k Delver’s Journey reward was red, so I’m waiting to turn it in.

This was surprising to me since there was never any indication that there was a cap on Delver’s journey (people have reported no rep after 28 delves/week, but I don’t think that has ever been officially stated either, and it doesn’t apply in my case since it was my first delve of the week). If there is a cap, there’s no indication what the cap is, and there’s no way to see how close to that cap we are.

I’m hoping it’s a bug and gets fixed, but if it’s not, at a minimum they need to add some indicators letting the user know what the cap is, and how much of the capped amount they have earned.

If there IS a cap on how many delves you can earn rep from per week, I’ve certainly not ever hit it. I think I did 6 or 7 last week, and I’ve only done 1 since yesterday’s reset.

It’s 28 across the warband (which is enough for doing every Bountiful, 4 daily, on a single character). Once at that cap, XP and journey progress stop being awarded.

Based on the reports in this thread so far, the journey progress from this quest running into some as-yet-unknown “cap” is just a straight bug.