Arcanite Reaper

So your solution to the problem is by recreating the previous solutions by Blizzard that simply continuously let it grow into more of a problem.

Great idea.

It’s not like it hasn’t already failed before. It’s almost as if “gasp” players have the conscious choice to do something.

I seriously thought this was in reference to the Switchers Video from 2005 with the paladin saying I have my “Arcanite Reaper, combine with Seal of Righteousness…:”

I did send a farming alt to the server. Very odd to have allies going at me with no pause. That being said, it’s so abandoned it’s quite relaxing to gather compared to a large server, almost like it was in vanilla.

The server is truly on its last leg, 3 of the 4 guilds who have downed nef on horde are talking about transferring off. If Blizzard doesn’t do something within a month there will likely no longer be any horde guilds downing nef anymore.

Go back to your own server and stop taking my lotuses.

Your server is abandoned. No way the ones being picked are staying on this backwater anyway.

If anyone wants to Xfer to Bloodsail Buccaneers please do… especially horde. We are dwindling as well.

No joke the only active 60s on AR are Chinese black lotus farmers with gibberish names that I see login in high level zones for 10 seconds every 45 minutes or so. I imagine the same thing is happening on the other extremely low pop servers as well, and like you said those mats are being muled to the highest value servers for maximum profit.

Keeping dead servers like AR around is only helping prop up the Chinese gold-selling black market at this point.

left the server i think my ar player don’t even realize how bad things have gotten
it’s like the frog in the pot anyway much happier now on the new realm

Still waiting for a blue post. This is ridiculous.

Blizzard made AR one of the target xfer realms… I feel for the few unlucky folks that choose to come here.

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Way to help your faction.

Blizzard will dupe a few desperate idiots, who will eventually pay $25 to transfer back once things calm down.

As opposed to pushing my integrity to the side and lie about how great it is Horde side? How would you sell it?

What integrity is there in helping the horde die out? Do what you want.

Helping the horde die out? Like I had any influence whatsoever on all the guilds that left… Keep reaching.

There’s 152 non 60s on at the moment and a lil over 125 60s…

There’s 1 ubrs and 1 dire maul being ran at the moment and its 7:30 on reset day. I honestly want more people here, and want to see the population grow… but you have no idea how barren it is Horde side.

So telling people to stay away helps???

We need help.

I love Arcanite Reaper and I was kinda sad to see our guild decide to transfer off but Blizzard has refused to communicate time and again on how they’re going to handle things like the AQ gates on smaller and imbalanced servers. If your guild is serious about things like chasing a Scarab Lord title then you don’t really have time to just sit around and hope things work out in the end. No one wants to be sitting there waiting for AQ gates to open when Naxx releases.

Yep. Bots make up the majority of our server now. Which is also an issue that doesn’t seem to be addressed. I’ve reported them every single day when I go farm them for honor. Still nothing. Same bots.