Arcanite Reaper

Since making this post we have lost nearly all our raiding guilds to transfers on horde side. Like has been said. It’s really in a bad state. Even the couple left that have taken in refugees are talking about leaving.

Sorry this is happening. I know from actually going onto some of these “Medium” pop realms and scanning concurrent online players that things weren’t looking good. There’s a lot of people on this forum that will just repeat outdated Blizzard statements while nodding their heads in empty agreement.

I expect Arcanite Reaper to drop to Low pop in the next week or two.

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GGC is leaving soon, along with another major raiding guild. The server is in trouble. =(

That is not really true.
A majority of players that went to PVP were horde, that is true.
More alliance went to PVE realms.

That resulted in some unbalanced realms, and then what happened is
instead of people moving in to the unbalanced realms to even things out, people went and moved to where they could make it unbalanced the other way.

And now we have some seriously lopsided realms like HS and AR and Skeram and Pagle and the all horde PVE server formerly known as Stallag.

If people would have transferred where needed rather than where not needed, you’d have very playable PVP realms, not perfect, but playable, but nobody ever does that i guess.

The problem though is player created.

Overall you could make all the realms nearly even, without rerolling any horde.
Trouble is, a lot of those alliance bodies in are PVE places.
Dont think they want to move.

Dont know how blizzard is supposed to fix that, aside from putting people where they dont want to go and telling them too bad, suck it.

It already is low pop, which is kind of strange.
It became allied over run and low pop at the same time.

Then again, stalagg became single faction PVE and large pop.
Lots of horde raids and auctions, and not an alliance to be found.

Skeram Heartseeker and Thalnos kind of look like they are following the same path maybe?

Vanilla easily had double the amount of servers than classic and maybe a handful of 10k pop servers. Some servers were so dead you couldn’t do 5 man content on non peak times. I question if you even played vanilla or just got lucky being on a high population server. The recommended servers to new players was how blizz spread out populations.

We don’t know who to blame for this, but it was likely a streamer

Still says Medium in the realm select screen for me.

AR on horde has had trouble getting 5 man groups in peak times since origin, let alone non-peak times. Most horde guilds have left at this point. I feel for the people that have transferred there recently, and definitely feel for the people who dont have the money or willpower to make the move off the realm.

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think it takes 7 days (from what day i dont now) for realm statuses to change.
Granted, i do not know what numbers actually equal a pop level anymore, their AH listings dont seem promising though.

Losing one of our last 4 raiding guilds soon, they announced it last night.

Fine then, enjoy your server with no with no horde. You can have fun paying a second sub then to open the gates of AQ

Arcanite Reaper and Anathema should merge to create a new server. That server would still have the smallest population for pvp pacific time zone.

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It would be nice to receive some sort of response from Blizzard regarding all of the realms that are so obviously struggling right now. There are multiple realms across regions that could use some help. Even Blizzard just stating that they have no intention to assist these realms is actually a way to help people make plans to fix it themselves rather than waiting around for a potential clue as to if we are going to be treated as appreciated customers or just victims of circumstance. Regardless, something will need to be done or these realms will all become 1 sided empty servers.

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It is a player created issue.
Unfortunately, the only backlashless solution is a player created one.

Anything Blizzard does will be forced, choiceless.
And even if you yourself like the solution, someone will appear with an army of sockpuppets to shout down the solution and how they were heinously violated by it.

When you speak of mergers, sadly that can spill over into the game with people who have the maturity of a pubescent wolverine, and run around taking it out on people from the "other" server.

No one wants to stick fingers in a hornets nest, unless you are one of the hornets.


This isn’t a player created issue.

This issue stems from not creating enough servers when game launched creating queues of 12+ hours. Players from very specific realms were given the opportunity to transfer free to another server to spread the population. The new realm wasn’t even available to start a new toon on, transfers only. Not enough people transferred over and the server has never been a well established realm. Blizzard created a problem, proposed a solution that did not fix their original problem. Now it is up to the players who took a chance in Blizzard by taking their free transfer to spread the population, those players are now the ones who are stuck dealing with the population crisis aftermath.

Guilds transferring creating the problem worse is player created but those guilds who’ve transferred already are simply trying to fix a problem they didn’t create.

edit: I don’t want this to sound like a Blizzard bashing post. It isn’t intended to be that way. From my point of view, they didn’t have enough realms to open based on whatever market research they had. They attempted to fix the issue but the fix didn’t take as expected so now there are thousands of players who feel stranded and left when these are the same players that took the chance and left the well populated servers to attempt to bring life to the new transfer only servers. It would go a long way to have some sort of acknowledgement of anything to try and help us. Like I said in another post, even a statement saying they have no intention of merging servers or anything like that would still give people the information they need to make decisions to ultimately keep playing the game and paying their subscriptions. Right now people feel hopeless and we are losing subs.


It’s the solution.

yeah, way to reply to a 20 day old post before at least 1 horde and 2-3 alliance guilds want to transfer and I still like AR, but most guilds will have to decide what they want to do before AQ.

The realm was fine after the last rounds of free transfers. It was low/medium pop 55/45 or 60/40 alliance. It’s paid transfer that that killed it.

And if you want off paid transfers are your solution.