Arcanite Dragonling

Im curious as to why blizzard hasn’t fixed the AI on this and other guardian pets yet? I have had several trinkets/offhands that sit around doing nothing in combat. Why have these items in the game if they will not work?

The skelly summon book off ony works right dunno why the other wont, maybe part of the engineering drawbacks.

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No, it’s not “engineering drawbacks”, the AI is just straight up broken.

The timbermaw trinket does the same thing: When you summon it, the mob does nothing and just follows you around.

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Because they don’t care. They want easy money with little work.

And the battle chicken also works just as badly.


No, battle chicken is even worse. You summon it and it literally just stands still and does nothing. It doesn’t even follow you.

How did nobody at Blizzard notice this for 14+ months?

I’ve had a thread in the Bug forum open on this very topic since…forever ago xD

They were told many times right from the start. Blizzard just doesn’t care. Caring would cost them money.

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This is just my opinion, based on my experience. I’ve been a software dev at Cisco and several other companies (but not MMOs).

There was always a bug list. Each bug was a reported problem. For a typical group of 5 people, there might be 200-300 bugs on their list.

The bugs were prioritized (1 to 5). You didn’t spend hours working on priority 4 bugs, if you had unfixed priority 1/2/3 bugs.

The long list NEVER got down to zero. I’ve never seen that happen at any company. If software is updated (changes) new bugs happen. If customers do unexpected combinations of things, new bugs are found. In an MMO, there is an insane amount of combinations happening to customers. No human could “predict” every possible situation when writing the code.

More likely, the bug was “noticed” 14 months ago, but got assigned the priority 4. The devs have fixed thousands of bugs since then, but have never gotten down fixing all the priority 4 bugs.

Remember that there are not many devs on each part of the software. The entire software team can be 200 people, but only 3 to 5 of them are experts on one part of the code. Typically my group of 5 “owned” about 70,000 lines of code. We got all of the bugs in that code. Nobody else could work on those bugs. So the bugs that were assigned a low priority didn’t get worked on.

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They work just fine

small indie dev


I wouldn’t think blizzard has any full-time resources dedicated to Classic and most likely any bugs that come into the queue for classic get dumped on retail devs at super low priority.

blizzard puts that low of a prio on an extremely expensive craftable that has a 1 hour CD with the power of 2 flasks?

Maybe it’s not just Classic.
In retail my Compact Harvest Reaper and Mechanical Dragonling 'Only engage in combat when I summon them while I’m 'in combat. After that combat ends though, they ignore further initiated combats.
And stand uselessly about.

I assume it’s the same with many or all other item summons.