Arcane Missiles Nerf - I don't Get Why

Arcane orb is instant? your charges dont fade after 1 mob??? Arcane missles did not kill mobs in one shot in DF ever?

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they sure did and I wasn’t even raid geared

No they didnt i have 3 max lvl mages.

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well if you were using arcane blast all the time how would you know missiles never did? And I have 3 mages too.

Because arcane blast gives a clearcast proc? And clear cast made missles be worthwhile so i used it and the mobs still werent dead?

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well it sounds like your arcane blast at full charges wasn’t very effective

Got it you played mage once at lvl 10 and thinks thats how it stays.

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:clown_face: of course

Seems like making it uncastable was a good thing because people clearly do not know to not use it when not having a clear casting proc. Although I think putting traps for bads in jobs is important to distinguish from the bads.

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While I generally didn’t use it without clearcasting anyway, it seems a bit weird they’d even bother to make the change.

It feels like the designers are just terrified somebody might use the ability in an unoptimal way. It’s like how my Ret Paladin can technically go sword and board but the game freaks out that I’ve done something unoptimal and turns off half my attacks saying “no, put the 2-hander back on”.

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No, they’re just making stuff up from nothing.

If they played it at level 10, they’d know that Arcane Blast is even more effective than anything else than it is at level cap.

The only legitimate complaint about the change IMO is about tagging mobs in crowded areas. Something mostly instant with range and no cooldown is convenient to have.

On the other hand, it’s one of those things that didn’t NEED to change, but Blizzard is being hand-holdy. It’d be like if Pyroblast wasn’t available to cast in combat unless you had a Hot Streak proc (or the sun king thing).

The use case for in-combat non-clearcasting arcane missiles is basically zilch, but if people wanna run around the open world casting it because its a lot prettier than Arcane Blast, whatever.

I guess it comes down to if the freedom to make an obviously poor choice performance wise is acceptable vs the potential for new players to get trapped by it and gimp themselves until someone corrects them.

I kind of wish Blizzard would just pick a lane and stay in it on this one.

My Ret Paladin simultaneously has abilities that require two-handed weapons equiped and also one that requires a shield.

Obviously I know that I’m supposed to just ignore Shield of the Righteous, but if you’re being hand-holdy that sends mixed messages to a new player. They could assume the game gave them the shield ability for something, not knowing that something is an entirely different spec.

On the other hand if we trust players to try abilities and settle into something that feels good to them, then there’s no need for these restrictions even if they’re restricting the player from “making mistakes”.

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At low level, it was all Arcane Explosion because it was instant AoE one shotting everything.

But we might as well be telling Fire mages to cast frost bolt because it casts faster than fireball.

I am not making up stuff - I am telling you my experience. In BFA I used arcane blast almost solely because most times it would kill mobs in one shot. Once I got some gear missiles were a lot more effective in dragonflight and probably still is.

A marginally useful class is now nerfed even more to nearly useless. Maybe they can make fire mages only able to cast fire blast in clearcasting. /s


Unfortunately yes. And they used it to spam in dungeons, hardly contributing to DPS efforts.

Note how I didn’t say ‘charts’.

As someone who does a lot of group content I can say that arcane missiles needing clearcasting was a miss by Blizzard for the people who do world content.

It’s not the hardest hitting spell but it was a decent main attack.

Arcane missiles isn’t OP in group content unless you stack it with other stuff, I think remove the other stuff unless it is clearcasted, not prevent it all together.

There’s more to it, but for example don’t apply the high voltage talent if missiles are cast without clearcasting. stuff like that

It is more time-consuming to do it this way, but it is necessary to allow people to continue to quest and play more casually with open-world content at the same time as having balance in group content.

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No offense but I’m not reading anything else you wrote after this part lol

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This thread is like a snapshot into a completely different world.

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its funny because thats how used to work , but for Arcane thats not true (not even for other specs , that ignore procs too)

is kinda funny that UI procs / skills light up , u need to ignore for max dps in rotations…then why have this warnings in the first place? u are playing bad if u use your procs now.