Arcane Mage

Is it good to play? Solo or PvP? Curious as to whether to work it into group activities or just keep my Mage as a bag maker.

I really enjoy playing arcane mage, I have 2 at 70, one for each faction in open world play.

I know it’s not everyone’s favorite, but it has some nice spells that once I properly learned how to use them, made it a lot more fun.

Imagine tying to keep 20-30 plates spinning on sticks at the same time. If that is your gig then Arcane mage is for you!

Yes, it’s fine. Definitely good solo and in groups. And it’s super easy.

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Arcane mage is fun and overpowered when you use them correctly however they are very fragile so always have your mage food.

Depends on how far you wanna go in the game.

If you wanna maximize performance in raid and M+ they’re almost unanimously agreed upon to be the most difficult spec to play in the game.

Playing arcane in PvP feels like you’re Jamie Lee Curtis and you’re against a full squad of Michael Myers.

Survival horror mode.

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the issue is most people who do end content who play mages dont know how to play their class

I used to love my glass cannon AKA Arcane mage. Can’t remember which Expansion it was, she was my main, possible WOD.

My main was a mage from vanilla until DF. It has slowly become less and less fun to play. The rotation is gimmicky so I parked this guy and now main a hunter. I find it’s much more fun.

My mage alt is arcane simply because I like the graphical effects.

I generally like it but in Emerald Dream you have a lot of mobs that charge you and spell lock your abilities so it is rather annoying.

From what I understand it’s a very cerebral spec and pretty complex. I’ve never played it so I don’t know much about it, but it seems cool. You can always work rotations on target dummy’s and see if it’s for you

Mages already do a lot of cooldown stacking, but arcane does the most, and it has significant ramp up.

I absolutely hate the new explosion sound and animation :confused:

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Excellent support class in 40v40 PvP, been doing that since WoD’s Ashran. I still miss MoP/WoD mechanics though.

Just frost mage and only frost mage. Just frost mage. Just Frost Mage. JUST FROST MAGE!

Yeah but which movie?


Speaking as someone who mained Arcane exclusively from Cata all the way until DF… now might not be the time to pick it up.

I just couldn’t stand Arcane in DF. It just felt really, unnecessarily difficult to play, and if you mess up the burst window at all, all your damage goes out the window. Granted, this was in the first patch of DF, and I ditched the class for Aberrus. Now an Evoker main, and I’m quite happy with it.

If this were any other expansion, I’d say go for it. Just… maybe not now.

Can’t speak for pvp, raids or dungeons, but for pve stuff and questing/leveling, I love arcane and fire mages. :slight_smile: