Arcane mage is literally the hardest rotation in the game

Times have changed, it is now. Tired of the stereotypes being so completely outdated. No other spec requires the brainpower of Arcane, it’s not just mashing 2 buttons.

A good Arcane mage is triple the damage of a bad Arcane mage. Most class specs are just combo point builders and spenders and if you do them in the right order then there’s no difference.

Few specs rival Arcane when it comes to skill capping. Even Feral has gotten lightyears easier. Demo is pretty hard, not sure about Enhance, Unholy is harder then above average.

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Really? I don’t know about that. But I’m also probably closer to the “bad Arcane mage” side.

The bait’s getting weaker mate.


:joy: sure man.


The hardest? Laughs in Demonology


I feel like this post was more trying to convince yourself than any of us.


Yeah I miss the easy simple rotation where I could relax. the amount of pre-planned and cd watching arcane needs now isn’t fun to me.


Stares hard in affliction warlock


Man demo is like herding cats in a rave


I think arcane is harder to execute than, say, BM hunter, but compared to unholy DK, sub rogue, demonology (my opinion)?

LOL no.


I wouldn’t say hard, but I would say it’s pretty punishing if you don’t manage your mana. If you mess up your conserve stage then you’re going to be a fish outta water. Light forbid you mistime your Evocation and have to interrupt it or get interrupted.


I’m pretty sure this is a joke but I also haven’t played Arcane since the beginning of this year.

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Nah its not hard at all you just have to memorize that after 3 arcane blasts you have 39,363 mana left which is approximately 65%, as opposed to if you cast 2 arcane blasts at 2 charges in which case its 45,474 mana left, which is almost 70% mana but if you have to jump 3.8 yards to left to avoid an attack you will have regenerated 3,558 mana bumping you up to 70% (if you started with 4 charges) which means you can arcane blast again, but not if it brings you below 70% but unless you had enlightenment you ought to have 46,220 mana left, including arcane familiar, which brings you to 80% mana but no one runs familiar so its 72% so now you can burst!

But then after 6 blasts you’re out of mana but if you randomly got arcane charges which were 1% chance from the 38 thousand mana spent per 250 you can cast 1 more if you want 2.857 milliseconds longer, avoiding a boss attack putting you at 2.856 seconds (huge difference) while casting the arcane missiles which lasted 4.6 seconds at a haste value of 339 and voila you now regenerated 12,106 mana meaning you can cast another AB, assuming it was 30% less mana with arcane power that you specifically have 4.678974 seconds left in duration to cast.

All the while you were mentally calculating that its been 14 seconds since the pull so now you have just 1.6 minutes left of Arcane power CD but no biggie you cast shifting power for 3.6 seconds and now that cd is just 1.23 minutes left which is just enough time to cast evocation and repeat

I don’t see anything even remotely complicated with having to memorize all of this. Btw you forgot to use touch of the magi.


That’s a lot of math…

Hmm arcane doesn’t feel that difficult to me. It’s tougher than frost and fire but not by a lot. Of course to some it’s hard and some it’s easy. I think it can be subjective at times.

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It’s more compiicated than having a macro with Presence of Mind, Arcane Power, Arcane Blast in one, spamming away using any Arcane Missiles that proc, then doing Evocation and switching to the conserve phase after you’re down like 20% mana or so?

I like healing M+ when there’s a melee arcane mage getting murdered.

Super fun.

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Jokes aside, its complicated because of managing mana. You can only cast Ab like 10 times and you’re out of the game unless you evocate. Openers are fun, you burn all your mana, the other parts are not. I think other specs can actually just continue doing the same rotation they were doing before but without the damage/haste cds, arcane is a different story, you’ve gotta throw away charges, get em back, throw em away, get em back and then hope for that 1% rng to get clearcasting (it sucks still relying on rng rather than having control over my dps) and doing this weird thing where your dps can drop to absysmally low and then hop back up again depending on procs or only during a burst phase. If you are a quick tapper and accidentally cast 1 ab too many you can go oom (if its the sustain phase) and royally mess everything up, or you can go below your % and then lack in the burn. Relying on evocate is also touchy, IF you mistime an attack and have to evade it and interrupt your evocate. Wow. You’re really screwed. Fire and frost don’t have to worry about that silliness. Touch of the magi also puts a lot of pressure on you, cause you want clearcasting for ToM best of all, but if you don’t get it you’re using ab’s and if its just about to run out, you’re kinda panicked about what extra stuff you can throw in to maximize it; do you throw in arcane orb? use pom? What if you throw in orb and drop charges and now omg pom was on cd and I have to slow cast 4 abs to get my dmg up again! What if theres a mechanic that requires loads of movement, like a circular aoe from the boss? On the move, you’re practically useless… orb and pom if you’re lucky. You’re interrupting casts of AB and cursing under your breath while the firemage behind you is just skipping along behind you singing a merry tune and flinging flaming pyros at the enemy without a care in the world.


I definitely think Demo is harder, but Arcane feels like a close second.
No other DPS has to manage so many different resources.

One of the reasons I hate Mana Gem is because it sounds like it should help the spec, but it just ends up adding one more thing to manage; when they could have just as easily reduced the mana cost of AB, or increase mana regen, or add one more charge of Evocation. Instead of going the simple route, they just gave Arcane MORE stuff to handle.

Whatever, I went fire. Bye arcane, see ya next expansion, maybe…

Wait, the priest just Power Infused you!