Arcane mage is literally the hardest rotation in the game

I’ll admit it, I like Arcane. Managing all the little ebb and flows is certainly complex, but pulling it off is satisfying.

Would be a bit more satisfying if it hit a smidge harder, but it still does decent. :grin:


the new classes like shadow priest, you just have no idea what you are going to cast next

they have clunky cooldowns and the rotation are haphazard

Frost mage is in a great spot though lol

no more standing still hoping glacial spike doesn’t get negated

I’ve honestly been having more fun playing arcane this expansion than I have in a very VERY long time, specifically because it IS more complicated than “spam 2 buttons”

The “rotation(s)” itself isn’t all that difficult, its the fact that we have like 5 or 6 different rotations that we need to switch between based on circumstances that can change at a moments notice based on procs, adds, mana level, positioning of mobs and mechanics, and if you mess up your rotation or choose the wrong one your dps has tanked and it could be a minute or more before you can recover.

I’ve been planning on creating a flow-chart for it at some point because thats honestly the easiest way to explain it.

is it the hardest rotation wow has ever seen… probably not, but its certainly up there for complexity.

Arcane is easy though…

Coming back to my mage after not touching her since the beginning of BfA … you captured the mood perfectly. I laughed out loud.


Let me know when there’s a Conjure Ale spell…hic!

Yeah no, i could literally fall asleep at the top of the keyboard and do good dps as arcane. Is that braindead

the most satisfaction i have had is straight up deleting things occasionally when you have everything just right


Unholy isn’t that hard outside of its 50 GCD opener. After that you just have to decide when to hold blight for apoc and then not cap resources.

sure if you’re a baddy McBad player with baby dps. how cute, look at baby’s first dp so cute nioce try baby.


I mean, I wasn’t really saying anything to warrant your rudeness - but if this is how defensive you get when someone makes a statement that differs from your own in the slightest, then I’d say you have bigger things to consider than your DPS.

For instance, your odd insecurity regarding the subject.

Edit: I just noticed your name. It fits.

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it wasnt a direct comment towards you, but just towards players that would think Arcane is easy when it is absolutely not, unless you’re a calculating mathematical phenomenon genius and then well okay then easy is relative.

And don’t get all self righteous when you made a rude comment yourself, as if just blabbering “Arcane is easy though…” isnt your narcissism showing.

I mean it’s easy to build a house, but how that house performs varies on your ability. And yours is likely lacking.

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There is nothing complicated about unholy.

Maybe I’m just used to it but I see that one thrown around a lot and don’t really understand it. lol


thank you, i got swagger like Jagger.

It’s either
A- terrible dps, does not manage rotation correctly as this is “easy”
B-narcissistic arcane mage that spouts off how good he or she is at the spec

I think the house analogy is perfect

How is stating my experience/opinion of the spec a rude comment? and if anyone is a narcissist, it’s you for assuming that your own interpretation of the specs difficulty is the only one there is. I’m not trying to be nit-picky, but for the sake of the argument - who exactly are you to tell people what is and isn’t hard? If someone else thinks it’s easy, then obviously for them, it is. the world doesn’t revolve around you, friend.

… and you’re trying to claim the moral high-ground when you came at me with an attitude this hard for no reason?

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I find it to be the easy? I actually figured out the optimal rotation before even looking up a guide…? Fire mage threw me for a loop though

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Lmao! Have you tried Demo?? My opener takes 15 seconds.

Careful, you’ll be branded as a heretic for a statement like that.