Arcane just needs...a redesign

The whole combo point with Mana management system is just not fun.

If Blizz wants to make this archaic hodgepodge of a class design work, at the very least Slipstream should be baseline and Clearcasting should proc like three times as often as it does now.

Also, what’s up with the UI glitch? I can’t even tell when I have multiple procs…

I feel like they should just redesign Arcane as the traditional builder/spender while keeping some small aspect of Manas management.

What we have now, is just unfun, counterintuitive and lame.


Welcome to the party, here is your hat and red solo cup. Kegs are in the back and Jeff is working the bar. Bathrooms are down the hall to the left… We have a pool table.

The Buff/Change Arcane Party has been going on for awhile now… Its starting to get rowdy and people are leaving.


Blizzard if you are reading this, please just delete the specs we all know you don’t care about and be done with it. Move the abilities to the other specs within the class. Thank you!

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I mostly disagree with the original poster.

I like arcane’s mana management aspect and find the spec quite intuitive and fairly easy to play.

That said, arcane is not in a good spot right now in single-target or cleave raid dps. Arcane doesn’t need a redesign, but it could use a buff. Some suggestions:

  • increase damage of all arcane single-target spells; or
  • increase the clearcasting proc chance.

Clearcasting being increased would be great.

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I completely agree and I’ve been advocating for changes along the same lines for a long time now. I just hope someone is listening but honestly it feels like shouting at the aether sometimes. Still, hope dies last and all that.

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Just came back to my mage after along brake and well, arcane feel like they wanted to make something different but had no idea how to do it.

Fishing for clearcast is the same mechanic as fire and frost but much worst in the sense that both spec get an instant cast out of hit while arcane missile is channeled.

Arcane charge is a brain dead mechanic and having to use evocation and gem is just an outdated thing.

back in the days those were cool things since everyone would go oom from intense casting so arcane felt like it has more tool then anyone else.

Now that nobody ever care about mana regen, arcane are just punished being the only class in the whole game that care about his mana to deal damage.

But well, with the layoff of many dev on the balance team I doubt they have the resource to address any spec redesign soon.


Seems we agree more than you care to admit.

These are both things I brought up. As well as potentially having Slipstream become baseline would go a long way to being the spec up to par.

Actually, now that I reread some of your post, there are other things you said I agree with: Slipstream being baseline for example.

The arcane talent tree has too many absolutely useless talents in it. Either the better talents need to be made baseline or the under performing talents need to be brought up.

The first tier talents are a good example of this. Amplification is the only talent worth taking in that row no matter what content you play. That’s not good game design.


Arcane could certainly do with more ways to actually do its supposed core mechanic. I for one have long thought of having offensive spells that restore mana in addition what’s already here. Drop the charges and have the spenders do more damage based on the amount of mana present and the builders do more based on the mana absent.


Movement fixes have been discussed ad-nauseum. If Blizzard doesn’t know by now, they never will.

Lots of ways to fix cleave. See that totally worthless talent that nobody ever takes for PVE, Nether Tempest? Make it baseline & make it’s duration extend when hit with Arcane Missiles.

In it’s place, give us a talent that makes clearcasted missiles hit two additional targets for x% of base damage.

Make Supernova actually do damage and have a shorter cooldown.

Just need some cleave options.


Can the mana situation be helped by stacking mastery?

Mana isn’t a HUGE issue as long as you adhere to the rotation and clear your stacks during conserve phase. Mastery helps give you a little cushion. But if you’re just blasting away at 4 stacks, you’re always going to have a bad time.

Mana really isn’t the biggest problem Arcane has. People point it out because Arcane feels bad in general, and it’s the most unique aspect of the spec… but if other core mechanics felt better, I guarantee people wouldn’t really care about the mana.

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How to play Arcane:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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That’s a fine strategy so long as the target will die in 30 seconds or so. Anything longer and you’ll probably be out of mana.

Also just spamming Arcane Blast will result in pretty crappy dps since you won’t be taking advantage of Arcane Missile procs.


Gotta love the clueless players. Especially coming from a Hunter lmao.


I agree with some of what you’d say. However, personal preference, I’m pretty bored with the builder-spender game play. Arcane mages mana is basically builder-spender, just very toned down, and I wouldn’t want to see it at the same degree as other classes.
I agree with everything else OP said though. and perhaps an extra button of some kind would be nice for those that want to see overall changes. But I can live with the current play style too.


I hear you on the prevalence of builder/spender specs but the only real alternative for Arcane (barring a Survival-type reimagining) is to double down on the combo point play style that Arcane Charges try to (rather unsuccessfully) imitate. The problem there is that that archetype doesn’t work with casters. It requires instant cast abilities with which to generate the points and powerful nukes on which to spend them. Arcane has neither (ABarr just doesn’t cut it) and it would require the creation of brand new spells to fill those gaps and I just don’t see Blizzard putting in that kind of time and effort.

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This is on a post about how Arcane needs a redesign. That was my way of agreeing.

Not sure why I need to switch forum characters for that.

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I believe the spec would feel much better and funner to play with just having Clearcasting proc chance buffed, Slipstream possible baseline and Arcane Nova baseline on 2 charges.

It just needs more variety baseline of spells like Arcane Orb, Nova and such.

Right now to me, even though I play it often is just feels very bland to play.

Fire is super exciting to play, as is Frost with things to react to and buttons to press while moving.