Arcane Familiar

They changed the appearance of Arcane Familiar on Beta to an arcane raven? lame. Arcane elemental would be much cooler.


It is still a step up from a glowing ball. The idea of a familiar as a small creature that assists is a nice nod to the concept of what a familiar is outside the game, also.

I think if it was an arcane elemental people would expect more of it, and also it fly in the face of the removal of the water elemental for frost.


I like the little raven. Having glyphs to pick different familiars would be cool too. Like a cat or a tome for example.


But we’re stealing the raven from SPriests.


Nah, ravens were a mage thing first. Both Medivh and Khadgar turn into ravens.


I haven’t mained mage since Legion, and with details like this familiar change in particular, and with how great Mage is looking overall, I think it’s time I swap. These small things matter to me really.

Can we just delete the familiar?

It’s so boring, forgettable, and non-interactive

That’s not a mage thing, it’s because they both used Atiesh. It’s the staff, not that they’re mages.


Oh they did? I haven’t seen it yet. I guess it’s better than Bob the Blob but I totally agree that it should have been an arcane elemental.

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That’s exactly why they should do it. I’ve always thought it needed to be a guardian type cooldown akin to the elementals summoned by shaman. They also seem to clearly want to push it on us in TWW so now would be the perfect time to rework it.

P.S. I can’t find a picture and don’t have Beta someone gimme a link! :weary:

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I like the glowing ball if i am being honest. Maybe they will have a glyph to change between the two hopefully


How are they overlooking the mana wyrm as the arcane familiar?! It already basically floats there and it’s literally made of mana!


mage should have a raven flight form like druid flight.


Yes, that “hero” talent would be worth playing.

Wait, so I can have a permanent pet if I just play arcane? It looks like I might

I really hope they keep updating it because right now the raven looks terrible and it’s still using the same attack animation as before which is the old Arcane Barrage animation from 2008! It’s really unconscionable at this point when the little Sprite Darters that Balance Druids can summon with a talent have an updated Arcane Blast animation on their attacks that isn’t even available for Arcane Mages let alone our pets!

Or better yet scrap the raven stuff altogether and make it into an arcane elemental like it always should have been.


I would love this. And as a welly lover, I would not feel slighted at all. I’m for more fantasy expression, not less, even if it’s not my favorite spec.

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I like the arcane ball, please make it a glyph!


Has the visual on the raven been improved at all in the recent PTR builds, or does it still use the basic bird skeleton from 2004? I still haven’t preordered the expansion or logged into the game in weeks. You can tell how excited I am about TTW. :rofl:


I dont like pets but the raven is ok, the best option is always glyphs to let players customize it


Honestly raven flight form should have been out class hall mount, instead of this gumby tarted up sewer lid.

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