Arathi Warfront

Is there anyway to make this warfront more fun? I almost fell asleep like three times playing this. There is no goal other then farm iron and wood to repair base then make tanks to smash horde base and kill commander.

There is no immersion like the battle matters if you lose or win just feels really really empty. There should be a struggle keep you on your toes kinda feeling like you can lose the battle at any moment.

It just feels more like a farm and smash game over rinse and repeat. Please update your stuff more please devs.

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They can’t make it hard or require significant player engagement, otherwise the casual baseline would struggle with it, complain loudly, and ruin it for everyone else.


At most, if you really tryhard it you might finish 30s earlier. I don’t think there’s a way to make auto-win content engaging. It’s like a really bad movie that you’re being bribed to watch.

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Music helps when I’m farming ore and wood. Bit of Ghost does the trick

i did it yesterday for the first time. (the alliance one) and it is CONSIDERABLY more boring than the horde one even though you’re doing essentially the same thing. just the little things that you’re doing horde side are more fun imo.

my dwarf shaman needs a couple of azerite 340s and i can’t even make myself do it again to try to get them.

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If they make it hard then all those afk players will lose and then complain about it on the forums.

Both of the warfronts put me to sleep

It is more meant to be a PVP battleground. At least that’s the feeling I get when I see how they were structured. I honestly don’t see how they could of made it fun , immersive, yet replayable. That’s a tall order.

Heroics are coming as an option but in my opinion difficulty is just one piece of what is actually wrong in my opinion of the content.

It all feels too plain, predictable, and uneventful without much meaning to what I am doing.

Resource gathering and all the things that the RTS had that was fun when it was current, I don’t find fun in an MMO. I think though that this was not tested enough, not enough creative input, and player feed back was given or any for that matter to really deliver something interesting.

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Honestly just do it once a week for the quest. Island Expeditions, Warfronts are some of the most horrifically boring content Ive played in a videogame yet.


I didn’t say hard and difficult I mean something like making the warfront interesting. Like being there matters for your faction.

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I think they should introduce a heroic version… but would that really work?


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If you find a way, let me know. I have trouble sleeping and I find it excellent for sliding away into dreamland.

The gameplay could use some work but I enjoyed seeing old Stromgarde brought back to use.

3 weeks from now, the OP will find out if it’s the cure for their “I’m bored with X, can you make it more fun” syndrome.

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should have had a pvp and heroic mode as well, like islands did.

huge failure on their part

I suppose they could inflict heavier penalties on AFKers who just want to sleep their way to a reward. That’s what I would consider a significant improvement.

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The problem isn’t the afkers, its that you can afk and still win. Once you get your siege items, its 15 minutes of standing around derping waiting for towers and a gate to fall, Before that you are a peasant/peon doing pretty non-heroic stuff.

These could be fun if they were an old AV style battle, where you could claim and reclaim objectives against an enemy made of actual thinking players and each area was a meaningful conquest, with smaller quests to affect the battle. If the rewards were made reasonable for time spent (as opposed to just winning), such as pvp gear or azurite or whatever, they’d have a bigger draw. Right now though, they are a colossal bore you suffer through to get a chance for gear upgrade if you need it.

I need it, so I suffer :stuck_out_tongue: I never afk in game, but mentally I am totally checked out when doing one.

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You should get more sleep, you’ll cry less and feel better!

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