Arathi use Kul Tiran models in The War Within—does this confirm other non-Kul Tiran humans share their build?

And basically that it’s just a gameplay distinction, and that the whole theory of them being “drust hybrids” is pretty much completely dead?

So there’d be buff 7’9 tall Stormwindians or Lordaeronians? Albeit just less often.

If this isn’t the case, why are some Arathi super tall and buff since didn’t they leave long Kul Tiras was settled and before any intermingling with Vrykul would have occurred?

Kinda? We haven’t explored their homeland yet, may have Drust/Thornspeakers there too. :hourglass_flowing_sand::robot:

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Yes. The idea that Kul’tirans are uniquely big has always been a fan interpretation of a design change that came along during BFA.

If you go back to the absolute earliest alpha versions of WoW, human models had a lot more variety. Some of them were very big and some were very small. They ultimately decided to scrap that variety to standardize on the single body shape, but that has always been a matter of convenience.

“Fat people exist” and “Tall people exist” should not be taken as radical retcons.


Blizzard confirmed awhile ago that Kul Tirans aren’t part drust. They’re just fat humans, so any human population could have fat ones among them.


Yeah I always saw a lot of similarity between the male KT faces and Garithos.


There’s no “genetic” difference between Kul Tiran and Regular humans. It’s just a way to add more body diversity to the game.

They should let both versions use the other body models, give them four body types.


Exactly we have no idea what exists in the Arathi Empire and they can very well be racially mixed with who knows what? They’re half elves mixed with humans and whatever else found their fancy in their travels.

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Everyone is capable of eating meat pies and drinking ale, but my god does it feel weird to stand next to one. It’s like… “Why are you so tiny?” When they’re normal human height with wonky Kul Tiran proportions.

They’re 8 feet tall. And that’s on purpose, given that the Arathi using the KT models are shrunk to regular human height. They were the “compromise” for people asking for playable vrykul. Enormously tall (and round) sailors in lieu of half-giant vikings.


WoW’s art style has always indulged in wacky proportions and cartoonish exaggeration. There’s nothing strange about this.


Nope, Regald Hornfyre is the same size as other KTs model npcs, and has the Arathi pointy ears and all. Hes on the Siren Isle if you want to check for yourself.

Can you cite an actual source for this? KTs have nowhere near the same build as Vrykrul who are much leaner, ontop of the males being very very facially similar to Garithos (or the generic Bandit Lord) in WC3.

I don’t mind Kul Tirans being big, but I wish the models weren’t THAT big.

No citation because it’s just player perception. It was a running gag around BFA that the Alliance was using a Monkey’s Paw to wish to Allied Races (with the exception of Dark Irons).
Want High Elves? Get Void Elves (that somehow have zero overall plot relevance in a Void-heavy expansion).
Want robotic Mechagnomes? Get Junkyard diaper gnomes.
Want Broken draenei? Get draenei (lemon-flavored).
Want vrykul? Get “rotund” fishermen that are inexplicably tall.

Horde, comparably, got a couple old fan-favorites (and then some foxes a bunch of furries were super enthused about).

They even shot their own lore in the foot when players went, “Oh, huge Kul Tirans must have Drust ancestry because they were like quasi-vrykul and some joined the Kul Tirans!” Their response, “Nope, they just eat good and fight sea monsters”.


At the same time though i remember it being implied in the Thornspeaker quests that some Kul Tirans may have Drust ancestry. Something about some of them joining human society. Pretty minor but it’s still there.

It definitly do mean that you should be able to play a SW human or any Kingdom human with the Kul tiran model, because as the devs said themselves back in bfa, the Kul tiran model is just a “'body shape” for human in general rather than only Kul tirans being like this.

It was not really implied, people just wanted to give epxlaiantion of lore behind the huge kul tirans, so they found every single thing that aimed at it.

But i already made too many posts about this topic on another thread.

That’s what I was referring to. People asked if there was anything but human going on with them, and a Blizzard response (at Blizzcon panel I believe?) was that it’s because they fight sea monsters.

Maybe if we get gnomes fighting sea monsters they can be human-size after only a few generations.


I remember when they said it, its as you said during Blizzcon, when they presented the Kul tirans.

But well, the thing is, if you look at for example Thoras Tollrbane in the war2 manual, the guy was a giant.

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He was also 1 guy and not 30% of the population. Nobles casually strolling about 3 feet taller than the people they’re walking with. If they were like… a foot shorter it would feel less insane, but they’d still be plenty big.

I really don’t know why they thought they had to make 'em that huge

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So that people like me who wish to play very hugely big characters might be interested in Other-Other Human.

Sadly, no amount of bigness can take away from being the Other-Other Human.

I dont know man!!! I played war3 earlier and Arthas was pretty huge compared to other units! :upside_down_face:

Arthas being drust decendant confirmed! :joy:

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Uh-uh, nope, Arthas’s vrykul heritage is very obviously kvaldir. Arthas always struck me as secretly made of seaweed and I accept no other vrykul heritage for him.

Arthas is part seaweed vrykul.

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