[A]<Raiders Digest> Fri/Sat 8-11pm Recruiting

Raiders Digest is an AOTC guild looking to fill out the raid roster heading into Shadowlands. We are a fun group of people in a drama free environment that enjoys the game together while pushing content. Will be diving back into Mythic content in SL. We also enjoy Mythic+ as groups.

Raid Times
Fri/Sat 8-11pm Server(CST)

Current needs
Current Raid roster is full but have spots for Mythic+ teams and backups for raid.
Needs for backups

Need for backups

Need for backups

BNet: Ozz#1144

All players are welcome to get in touch with us. We have several knowledgeable players that are willing to help you learn and help you get into a raiding experience.

Feel free to respond to this post if you don’t want to go through battlenet.

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Updated for our current needs!! Give us a holler!

sent you a request to ur btag

Sent a friend request. Could you use a BM Hunter?

Updated with current needs.

If interested please contact me on this battletag Ozz#1144