Arachnophobia mode?

Hello, my name’s Max.

I play a lot of video games. I’ve been playing 20-40 hours a week on average since I was a kid, I’m going on nearly 20 years of gaming. One of the bigger factors in what games I can play stems from my arachnophobia. I couldn’t play Skyrim for example, until I downloaded mods that turned all spiders in to something else, I found one that did jack-in-the-boxes. I have been mostly playing League of Legends, RuneScape and Hearthstone for the last few years. For the record, I love HotS but I cannot in good conscience queue if I know I have to DC once every ~15 games or so because of the spider map.

My request is simple. I want to raid with my friends in WoW. I currently have a level 55 warlock who is going through the early stages of levelling to accomplish this goal.

Problem - if I am not misunderstanding my current experience, I believe I am currently forced to level through a world that is currently covered in spider webs and I believe some of the upcoming enemies are about to be spider-people. This is too much for me. I have graphics on the lowest setting, I have a drink or two before I try questing, I get engaged in my discord server to try and distract myself, but it’s not working. I can’t finish it. Is there a way for me to skip this specific part of the levelling experience?

My buddies I want to play with have no issue guiding me through the rest of the game to help me out, I just need to get level 60 first so I can start grinding gear. One even made a new character just to help me get off tutorial island because of the mandatory spider boss there.

Any support will be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

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There’s no mod to remove spiders. Your best bet is to approach Blizzard with your issue.


Thank you for the accessibility link.


You’re welcome. It’s the best option as mods that change game models are not permitted in WoW.


Theres multiple ways to level, you can avoid anything with spiders and just stick to zones and quests and dungeons that dont have them. Id prob avoid Wrath as the Nerubians are a big feature there. But there are some dungeons you could specific queue for that dont have them. Leveling has been streamlined heaps so your not locked in to having to clear out every quest anymore. You can also get alot of xp simply flying around and herbing/mining. Or running bg’s

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While you’re not wrong about there being multiple ways to play the game, doing so still doesn’t address the issue at hand.

For addressing something like arachnophobia, there will need to be a mode that can turn all spiders into something else. OP is free to level in non-spider zones and such, but there is nothing to stop me from running next to them and hopping on my spider mount, or unleashing my spider toys, etc.

Ruffle’s suggestion is absolutely the best, and quite frankly the only way, forward for the OP.


hmm Blizz would need to change that mode for everyone, like the changes they make to the asian servers where the blood and gore and tmog look is a bit different.
Allowing mods that would change it for individuals would open up some stuff they have worked hard to not have in game. But the more concern about it they get the more they might be able to work on something. Id suspect it would take a while before any changes would happen tho.

There have been a few players asking about arachnophobia accommodations. Another voice asking about it could help make it more possible.