AQ Sooner than Later?

I’m sorry, was there a point i began crying?
Or was it in some dream you are having?

Oh Nooooes, what if i have lost awareness of my body functions???
Oh please Tankskie, please alert me when i have to pooh.

Yes, in China, where WoW is operated by Netease, not Blizzard.
Perhaps you’d enjoy moving there or something?

Yes, if you are able to somehow ignore all the people playing, especially on your own server, i am sure they seem quite dead.

You do of course realize that anyone, even people on low pop realms
can easily disprove this statement in moments.
So why say it even?

Drama Queen?

Only looking at raid logs and seeing most casual guilds getting stuck on Firemaw and Chromaggus. Glad your server is full of try hards (not criticizing - i am one of those myself) but not all servers are.

Raid logs show like 80-90% of guilds clearing bwl…

Citation needed to prove this. I see a lot of guilds getting blocked from getting to Nef.

Logs are 84.5% are clearing BWL,

You wanting to rush through everything does not make it healthy for the game.

I’d take that with a grain of salt
You realize there are a lot of guilds who do not participate in logging.
I am not aware of (on my realm of course) any of the casual ‘fun’ guilds that participate in logging at all.

Nah. Although I speak for the players who enjoy leveling alts. I have one 60 but several other characters 30+

I figure a good timeframe to add in another raid is if majority of the players have full sets of gear from the current raid.

I’d say the majority of guilds have at least one person logging. I don’t know of any guilds on Heartseeker that are clearing BWL and don’t have at least one of their clears logged.

im on windseeker
I am pretty sure you wont find me for mc or ony raids.
Ony i’ve visited like 13 or 15 times and im a bit miffed at her because she refused to turn loose of the stormrage cover, but none of them were logged, i didnt log it, was not that important to me, no one else did.

looks like we have around like 10 guilds that actually log, and i think a couple of those merged, so may not technically be 10.
A lot of us don’t, just no need to, we are not competing with anyone, dont care if we spend all sunday afternoon doing it or what not.

We also have a lot of smaller guilds, and we will co-op the raids, and i dont think many log those?

I know a lot of people on the realm that are at least 3/8 on BWL, no logs though, no one logging, just isnt that important.

It would be boring as hell to look at my log i think?
heal heal heal heal dispel heal heal dispel dispel dispel heal heal heal heal innervate so and so dispel heal heal

Wait gyth, when do you hit something?

I dont

You think aq will be any different? people deal 1,000 dps or more now, back in the day most of us did like 200 dps.
everything will just get obliterated besides the last 2 bosses

logs lol
The only people who use logs for vanilla are hardcore or atleast semi core , so … 90% of hardcore guilds killing nef, good statistics bro

Troll grade 0/10…

This guy again… lol.

You need some new material… posting the same post every couple days and changing the raid name is lame…

Reality of classic hurts, doesnt it?

The reality of classic makes you a troll?
And makes you continue to spout the same inane posts week after week?

Not sure I understand that… I thought it was something missing from your childhood that makes you seek negative attention from others to fulfill the hole in your life as an adult?


More salt?

Muh classic.

Point proven…
/moving on

Cry more. If there were still tissue paper I would offer some. Coronavirus caused a shortage… or maybe it was all the salt from classic players like yourself.

If you want the raids to be harder, remove half your gear. Save on repair bills.


I can do that in retail.

Classic was supposed to be hard like it was in 2004/2005.