AQ Expectations

Yep at this point you still have to do a BWL run and kill a world dragon, then a bunch of other junk. Which maybe for one really lucky person might happen(world dragon spawn times make it so at best one might be up in that 10 hour window) who then somehow also completes all the other steps in 10 hours.

Then they would actually have to spend money upgrading server capacities. That’s not the Blizzard way. At least not since Activision took over.


this not being able to get in the zone sht is absolutely asinine, you already brought back layers that wasnt suppose to happen, so use them to allow every one that wants to be apart of one of the greatest moments in wows history to be there for it.


All 4 dragons spawn at once.

What’s the point of experiencing it if everyone is too spread between multiple layers? Regardless, I don’t think you’ll see them rework it by early next week.

I’m more than happy to play without lagging to a standstill.

Seems like one of the worst conceivable ways of handling the event.

You use dynamic sharding to great effect on retail for handling events like this, such as dealing with the throughput of new expansion zones.

Instead of locking a lot of people out of an important event, do a little back work to create something more inclusive.


But what if world bosses spawn during this time?

Blizzard has technology to shard world bosses within sharded zones. They do it on retail.

For example:

You enter sharded zone.

World boss is ‘up’. You get close to it, you are phased into that specific shard so you can fight him without worrying about layer XYZ.

Y’all should hit up the old private server folks and see if you can buy their retired servers so you can actually support the event (like they did) cause this aint the 1 baby


You guys make the dumbest decisions out of any gaming company. Are you guys trying to just come up with the worst possible solutions for things?


Pretty embarrassing that people who pirated your intellectual property years ago managed to do a better job executing it than the actual Blizzard team.


a) Porting alliance across the ocean… not the best choice!

b) Please increase amount of mats needed by like a factor 10, so that we can actually experience it without rushing idiots just go “wham bam, thank you ma’am!”
Either that or limit the amount of handins you can do for each faction a day (NOT pr player/account, as ppl will just create multiple toons/accounts to get around it that way instead).

Experience what? I’m sure you’ll have time to do at least one turn in, at which point you’ve “experienced” the war effort.

soooo…what happends first night of raids when every guild shows up?
we all get ported with world buffs somewhere? Why not just layer silithus lol so a ton of people can get bug mounts theres no griefing and we can all raid? i know logic is hard

some servers only have horde and since blizzard has not merged any war efforts for us and heartseeker the whole server farmed the mats. your solution makes it impossible for our server to do AQ. not a good suggestion. If you dont want people rushing dont play wow.

in brand new games people rush through them with 0 knowledge of the game. you are playing a 15 year old game that people have studied to a science. rushing wil always happen

The gates aren’t going to open while the 10 hour event, and thus the porting, is going on. I know reading is hard.

Too good of an idea to be put in practice.

This is not true to the original wow. So, if they don’t change it then it isn’t really wow classic it is it? In my server all the raiding guilds left the open world and ran straight into the AQ20 and AQ40 raids. The open world was ravaged by the elites and a few of us that were not in raid guilds, like pvpers, would stage resistances to the big guys. It was really fun because we didn’t have raiding gear or organized ventrillo or team speak servers. Just a ready check go mentality.

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Why is kicking players out of the zone the solution rather than upgrading server technology or, worst case, adding additional temporary layers?


Might as well ask those folk if they had enough players to fill 2 layers.

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Because man… Blizzard is a joke