AQ Expectations

You do realize if they hadn’t the servers would almost all be empty right?

I wonder what they’re going to do with realms where the population is heavily lopsided? On Atiesh it’s something like 65% alliance to 35% horde. Doesn’t this default alliance to getting to bang the gong first, because there’s more of them?

Sounds like you can’t grief the scarab lords, sorry.

LOL population cap on silithus, good god blizz. I bet all the money in the world that its not a FACTION BASED algorithm that kicks ppl out, so smaller factions, your done and u cant even xfer. gg just quit the game and stop paying these lazy “dEvS” incompetence…


all of their teammates tho?.. exactly

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Erm, it doesn’t teleport you out of silithus right now, silly. That’s for when the gong’s already been rung and the farming is already done.

you dont get the sceptor until you FINISH the questline. this is about griefing the fragment part

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Right but it’s not teleporting players out until the gong is wrung.

How are you going to grief with a mechanic that isn’t in the game yet? The teleport is specifically being turned on for the 10 hour war.

Anyone still farming silithid at that point I suppose is hosed, but unless they were very close to done they were screwed anyways. I guess it’s technically possible to finish the scepter because lashlayer step is done?

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Pay for better servers ffs. Stop being lazy devs and develop. ACTUAL gms to police griefing. Kick multiboxing griefers.


Ahahaha, Alliance get booted across the enter world while the Horde get sent to an almost adjacent zone. The Horde already dominate most servers, now they’re going to own all of Silithus simply by throwing themselves into the zone and cucking the Alliance.

Horde gets sent to xroads? All they need to do is walk 10 feet to the flight master and fly back to Silithus. Takes literally less than 10 seconds to initiate travel.

Alliance get sent to Westfall? They need to get to the flight master, fly to Booty Bay, wait for the boat, ride the boat, get to another flight master and take off to Silithus. Takes like 10 minutes to get to the Horde’s starting location.

What a joke.


If you’re only deputized and still need to get into Silithus you are no way in hell finishing the quest within 10 hours.

this is literally why I re-subbed… what is wrong with this dev team I swear to god you hire from a special ed school


Mm, I was under the impression these restrictions could be set in place patch day.

You guys must have hired illiterate baboons to help you make the changes you make. This is one of the biggest things to have looked forward to since hearing of the drop of classic and you have just ruined it. You must hold the player base in such contempt when you think of what you’ll do to us next.


im pretty sure this news combined with the latest changes that blizz is actively trying to kill classic

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You had damn well better add anyone who is deputized to the list of people who cant be ported or locked out of the zone… ill be pissed AF if I took off from work and wind up staring at a que to get into the zone after I’m deputized… If that happens i’m done spending money with blizzard.

This sounds perfect to me, can’t wait guys. Thanks for recreating the event Blizzard!

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Appreciate the update and attempting to manage expectations. I’m not here to lambaste you.

I and several others would really appreciate a bit of clarification on this singular point. This is not authentic to original Vanilla WoW. In vanilla the gong was rung, the gates opened, and guilds were able to immediately zone into AQ 20/40.

Could you please clarify if there really is going to be a 10 hour timer AFTER the gong is rung before we can zone in and clear content?


That would result in less people seeing the event not more.

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You troglodytes need to go back to school and work on your reading comprehension.

If you are under level 60 you get ported to Westfal or The Barrens. If you are level 60 you get ported to one of the four zones (Un’goro Crater, Tanaris, Thousand Needles, and The Barrens).

If you are under level 60 you shouldn’t even be in that zone. As you can’t actually help with anything. Thus no problem being ported that far away.