Please tell us the war effort requirements will be increased immensely as opposed to Vanilla WoW. The populations are severely increased. I would appreciate not having AQ opened within a week, when in Vanilla it took weeks to months…
Instead of dynamic spawns, or adding layers, you implement zone quotas?
Really? Unless the zone quotas are so high which would make no meaningful difference anyway because the bugs aren’t spawning fast enough to support the number of players.
Just implement layers. If you’re going to mess with the zone, at least do so in a way that allows all interested players to participate.
I hope there are more changes lined up at this point, but it’s better to just assume the the worst case scenario I suppose.
If only we could be so lucky. I would be happy for a 3 or 4 week effort. If only so more people can experience the scarab lord quest chain.
Is this a troll post? Why would you not just use like dynamic layering to stop players from being ported to a random zone… That takes up to 10 mins to return just to find out you can’t enter because the zone is full?
Looks amazing! Thank you Blizz! <3
You could just layer Silithus for the period required, keep it at its max, split people not grouped to keep it at its maximum at all times to emulate what it was originally without the lag, just don’t layer black lotus.
why change the hell out of something that isn’t broken and break it in the process???
The worst possible decision you could make.
Does this include those deputized?
You guys better release Pre-nerf C’thun so that we can prove Ion wrong again.
Is not the priority during this time and would be the most contested it will ever be. Providing enough layers to have the zone less populated so that you can herb isn’t keeping it as authentic as can be.
Dude, the past events have been unbelievably unplayable. If that’s not considered broken, I don’t know what is.
My lock is just like
when I read that part.
No, it doesnt start kicking people until the 10 hours starts, and if you’re still grinding bugs at that point you aren’t making it.
Y’all are big mad. Excited for AQ! Thanks Blizz.
Can you please clarify when the zone cap gets turned on. It’s not clear if it’s only during 10 hour war or for the whole war effort.
if you’re deuptized it’s too late, the gongs already been rung.
I was just wondering if this was an out of season April Fools joke
yo this right here is actually comical. Imagine paying monthly to get kicked out of a zone you were in. another pathetic choice by blizzard.
All you ranters please give REALISTIC solutions.
Layering is one.
Any others?
Wouldn’t surprise me if invisible GMs will be present.
Don’t make layered mega servers at the start and stick with vanilla original pop caps and queues… of course that’d require them to have some foresight which they obviously don’t.
Has anyone heard of Ashes of Creation? pretty sure they don’t port you out of a zone for any reason with 500v500 pvp but hey guess we can’t expect the same out of a business thats been running an mmo for over 15 years