[Apr/May/June 2020] SEA - Increased Latency on Oceanic Realm

Another Starhub user in Singapore here. Everything else works fine in my household. I can play Destiny 2, stream Netflix and remote into my work environment without issue. This really points to something being on Blizzard side. Here’s the MTR file.

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last - 0 622 622 1 2 6 2 - 0 622 622 2 3 12 4 - 0 621 621 2 6 106 2 - 3 574 562 2 10 73 3 - 0 622 622 2 3 7 3
snge-b2-link.telia.net - 0 622 622 2 3 40 3
snge-b1-link.telia.net - 0 622 622 2 3 23 3
las-b21-link.telia.net - 24 319 243 172 198 260 185
blizzard-ic-348621-las-b21.c.telia.net - 19 355 288 0 178 236 183
ae1-br02-eqla1.as57976.net - 20 349 280 0 228 324 222
et-0-0-3-br02-eqch2.as57976.net - 18 369 305 222 228 311 226
et-0-0-1-pe01-eqch2.as57976.net - 24 322 246 238 292 394 296 - 16 391 332 0 224 237 223
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

actually I think posting of MTR is a waste of time…the problem is clearly ahem

anyway even though i’m not an IT guy and like what I have said in my previous post; I can surf/play net or other games smoothly without any issue.

So any person who has common sense will know where the issue is… not that rocket science right :rofl:

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I notice that the issue does not occur early in the morning. 2am+ Singapore.

It actually does, was testing this late into the night yesterday and the issue prevailed past 2am.

Hi blizz, issue is still happening since 5 days ago. Experiencing lags of up to 3,000 ping in group content and dungeons only. MMORPG is literally unplayable. Please assist with this matter.

WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
Linksys33900-2 0 49 49 1 1 4 1 0 49 49 2 3 13 4 0 49 49 2 4 12 4 0 49 49 2 10 90 4 0 49 49 2 10 64 14 0 49 49 3 4 13 4
six2uaagi1.starhub.net.sg 0 49 49 3 4 12 4 0 49 49 3 4 11 5
i-22-108-peer.istt04.pr.telstraglobal.net 0 49 49 3 5 11 4
i-91.sgcn-core01.telstraglobal.net 0 49 49 4 6 12 7
i-25451.pthw-core02.telstraglobal.net 0 49 49 51 53 59 56
i-10154.sydp-core03.telstraglobal.net 0 49 49 98 100 103 99
i-90.sydp10.telstraglobal.net 0 49 49 97 104 157 99
unknown.telstraglobal.net 0 49 49 98 104 129 103
et-0-0-49-br01-eqsy4.as57976.net 0 49 49 99 107 179 100
et-0-0-0-pe01-eqsy4.as57976.net 0 49 49 123 125 151 123 0 49 49 98 99 105 99 0 49 49 99 100 105 100

I’m on Starhub ISP too, and can confirm there are no issues with my connection, other than when entering instance content in WOW. Even the MTR report shows no packet losses between my local router connection and PC.

I’re tried using a VPN and it seems to alleviate the issue a little, but i’ll have to run more tests to be sure, a single raid run is not does not quell my concern for an issue that has persisted for 4 days now.

I’d suggest other users facing the same problem give using VPN a try and let your results be known here. From Blizzard’s reply its evident that we wont be seeing any fixes on their end for awhile, so as usual is up to use to find a fix for this issue.

WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last 2 3484 3432 3 10 352 10
vlan17.as03.wco1.sg.m247.com 2 3471 3416 4 12 309 6 2 3499 3451 4 10 351 7
xe-1-1-2-0.bb2.wco1.sg.m247.com 2 3500 3452 4 11 370 5
xe-2-2-8-0.sincr5.-.opentransit.net 2 3488 3437 4 11 491 5
4637.sgw.equinix.com 2 3504 3457 4 12 318 10
i-91.sgcn-core01.telstraglobal.net 2 3519 3476 5 14 1830 10
i-25451.pthw-core02.telstraglobal.net 3 3407 3336 51 60 1869 53
i-10154.sydp-core03.telstraglobal.net 3 3402 3330 127 136 2110 134
i-90.sydp10.telstraglobal.net 2 3458 3400 125 135 2045 133
unknown.telstraglobal.net 3 3389 3314 128 142 2137 137
et-0-0-49-br02-eqsy4.as57976.net 2 3427 3361 132 143 1950 133
et-0-0-0-pe02-eqsy4.as57976.net 3 3391 3316 145 156 2140 166 2 3424 3357 145 152 554 154

It’s almost like they aren’t seeing the WINMTR and seeing that a lot of us are fine until we hit the US.

not everybody has a vpn

Yea, they are defiantly not paying any attention to it, seeing as from their perspective this issue is being caused by ISP being overloaded with traffic due to everyone being stuck in lock down.

Which is funny as if that was the case, I would think this issue would not be isolated to a segment of the playing community only.

Also if this was indeed due to high traffic flow, our down/upload speeds should theoretically be affected which they aren’t.

Just complain to Starhub =) They were pretty good.

VPN (TunnelBear) to US, seems good.

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
|      ip-192-241-212-49.lazerpenguin.com -    0 | 2678 | 2678 |  194 |  195 |  482 |  195 |
|                -    0 | 2678 | 2678 |  194 |  199 |  482 |  196 |
|                -    0 | 2678 | 2678 |  194 |  197 |  456 |  197 |
|                -    0 | 2678 | 2678 |  194 |  197 |  451 |  247 |
|                   No response from host -  100 |  537 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
|              ae1-br01-eqsv5.as57976.net -    0 | 2678 | 2678 |  244 |  248 |  466 |  246 |
|         et-0-0-3-br01-eqch2.as57976.net -    0 | 2678 | 2678 |  243 |  250 |  674 |  265 |
|         et-0-0-0-pe01-eqch2.as57976.net -    1 | 2675 | 2674 |    0 |  248 |  378 |  245 |
|                  -    1 | 2675 | 2674 |    0 |  246 |  368 |  246 |
   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

They fixed it already.

Can we get a confirmation from a Dev to be sure? (:

still lag whenever in a party/group

Playing from Malaysia on UNIFI fiber. normally 100+ms. Its now spiking up to 1k. Unplayable.

On Oceanic Classic Server. Tried different server, same.

Help plz


|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |

|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


|                    -    0 |  333 |  333 |    0 |    0 |    3 |    0 |

|                     -    0 |  333 |  333 |    6 |    7 |   25 |    7 |

|                  -    0 |  333 |  333 |    6 |    8 |   25 |    7 |

|                    -    0 |  333 |  333 |    9 |   10 |   12 |   10 |

|                    -   50 |  112 |   56 |   11 |   11 |   14 |   12 |

|                    -    0 |  333 |  333 |    9 |    9 |   12 |   10 |

|                    -   48 |  116 |   61 |    0 |   10 |   12 |   11 |

|    mx-ll-110.164.1-142.static.3bb.co.th -    0 |  333 |  333 |   11 |   11 |   14 |   12 |

|     mx-ll-110.164.1-19.static.3bb.co.th -    0 |  333 |  333 |   11 |   12 |   27 |   12 |

|     mx-ll-110.164.1-21.static.3bb.co.th -    0 |  333 |  333 |    9 |   10 |   14 |   12 |

|     mx-ll-110.164.0-99.static.3bb.co.th -    0 |  333 |  333 |   34 |   34 |   37 |   35 |

|               unknown.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  333 |  333 |   35 |   36 |   83 |   36 |

|      i-91.sgcn-core01.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  333 |  333 |   35 |   36 |   40 |   37 |

|   i-25451.pthw-core02.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  333 |  333 |   81 |   83 |   88 |   82 |

|   i-10154.sydp-core03.telstraglobal.net -   44 |  123 |   70 |  282 |  283 |  286 |  284 |

|           i-90.sydp10.telstraglobal.net -   31 |  149 |  103 |  282 |  284 |  314 |  283 |

|               unknown.telstraglobal.net -   34 |  143 |   95 |    0 |  289 |  319 |  285 |

|        et-0-0-49-br01-eqsy4.as57976.net -   26 |  165 |  123 |    0 |  284 |  334 |  282 |

|         et-0-0-0-pe01-eqsy4.as57976.net -   34 |  143 |   95 |  281 |  285 |  357 |  282 |

|                 -    0 |  333 |  333 |  242 |  243 |  246 |  243 |

|                  -    0 |  333 |  333 |  250 |  251 |  254 |  251 |


   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Me too. Using Starhub from Singapore to US servers.

i think the lag is back bois

it hasnt gone away for the past two days, no fake news pls lol

Me too. From Singapore using Starhub.