[Apr/May/June 2020] SEA - Increased Latency on Oceanic Realm

I will lag whenever im in a group/party with other people

home ms is ok but world ms is really bad

Hey, also havign issues from Singapore. Home ping is ~250, worlds pink is always 1k+. Here is my WinMTR

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
|                   -    0 |  914 |  914 |    2 |    4 |   44 |    3 |
|                  -    0 |  906 |  906 |    4 |    8 |   96 |    6 |
|                  -    0 |  907 |  907 |    4 |    9 |  106 |    7 |
|                  -    0 |  913 |  913 |    4 |   11 |  122 |    5 |
|                   -    1 |  887 |  880 |    5 |   15 |   88 |   54 |
|                   -    0 |  906 |  906 |    5 |    8 |   81 |    7 |
|                  snge-b2-link.telia.net -    0 |  906 |  906 |    4 |    9 |   53 |    5 |
|                  snge-b1-link.telia.net -    0 |  910 |  910 |    5 |    9 |   64 |   10 |
|                  las-b21-link.telia.net -   16 |  577 |  490 |  175 |  179 |  237 |  176 |
|  blizzard-ic-348621-las-b21.c.telia.net -   14 |  597 |  516 |  175 |  182 |  446 |  179 |
|              ae1-br01-eqla1.as57976.net -   13 |  620 |  545 |  180 |  189 |  329 |  192 |
|        et-0-0-2-br01-swlv10.as57976.net -   17 |  560 |  468 |    0 |  187 |  483 |  180 |
|        et-0-0-0-pe02-swlv10.as57976.net -   16 |  577 |  489 |  179 |  184 |  259 |  193 |
|       las-swlv10-ia-bons-02.as57976.net -   16 |  574 |  485 |  180 |  183 |  231 |  187 |
|                  -   14 |  593 |  510 |    0 |  183 |  214 |  181 |
   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Ya everybody from SG or Indonesia/South East Asia countries from what I saw from some of the posters are all facing the SAME problem. So high chance the problem is from blizzard end and is not from our side. Please fix it ASAP, tyvm.

Same here, Malaysian player, world ms jumps into the thousands when i step into instanced content. Was handed a free arena loss this afternoon when Bladeā€™s Edge loaded & world ms jumped and again the same issue cropped up just 10 minutes ago when entering H nyā€™alotha. Cā€™mon Blizz, time to shine, everyone wants to play thanks to the quarantine! So, fix this please!

Hi Caterpepi,

Looking through the forums currently it looks like itā€™s more than Singaporean players having difficulties with certain aspects of the game, primarily I know I am experiencing the latency when entering grouped instance content (BGs Raids, Dungeons) as are many others. Our home connections are stable, our world ping becomes excessive but chat responds normally (which is unusual, as normally when I suffer lag the game chat lags).

I see reports from Australian, some Europeans, South East Asian and south/Central American players.

Are you able to provide an update on this matter.

It does not appear isolated to a specific region and as you noted in your response it appears some data is being routed through Europe.

I donā€™t mean to put you under pressure here, itā€™s just this seems to be a growing problem and it would be nice if we could get some form of feedback, especially given that there is a lot of WINMTR data being provided

I hate to be blunt, but i do indeed think pressure needs to be put on Blizzard to look into this issue which has persisted since the server reset a couple of days ago. Its evident that the issue cannot lie with the local ISP as the issue is wide spread geographically, after all this is a paid service weā€™re talking about, we have all either paid for game time or subscriptions which equates to dollars lost for every minute we are unable to play the game. It is thoroughly unacceptable to charge for a service where fees are collected up front, yet you fail to deliver on it.

At the very least, release some sort of statement to shed light on the specifics on the issue, and give us an update on how this is going to be rectified.

There are far too many threads and post for this issue to continuously be ignored.

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I had this since Friday night. I finally transferred my char to oceanic realm, things went better for a while until I group with any other US players then latency will happen again.

ISP: My Republic

Iā€™m on Frostmourne an oceanic server, unfortunately there is no way to prevent being group with US players when queuing for instance content , hence itā€™s a roll of the dice when ever you do queue for any.

I have had vessels and mythic+ keys wasted because of this issue, not to mention getting flack from instance group members who arenā€™t experiencing these latency issues and have to put up with a laggy player ruining the experience for them too.

For the sake of everyone, I am no longer playing to avoid being a burden to the rest of the unaffected playing community.

Even pet battles lagā€¦ withā€¦ painfullyā€¦ longā€¦ pauses.

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
|                         router.asus.com -    0 | 9493 | 9493 |    0 |    0 |   10 |    0 |
|                   -    0 | 9491 | 9491 |    2 |    3 |   40 |    4 |
|                  -    0 | 9491 | 9491 |    2 |    3 |   13 |    3 |
|                  -    0 | 9492 | 9492 |    2 |    7 |  138 |    3 |
|                   -    0 | 9492 | 9492 |    3 |   10 |  122 |    4 |
|                   -    0 | 9493 | 9493 |    3 |    4 |   18 |    5 |
|                  snge-b2-link.telia.net -    0 | 9491 | 9491 |    2 |    4 |   76 |    4 |
|                  snge-b1-link.telia.net -    1 | 9434 | 9419 |    3 |    9 |   70 |    4 |
|                  las-b21-link.telia.net -   18 | 5574 | 4591 |  172 |  204 |  261 |  189 |
|  blizzard-ic-348621-las-b21.c.telia.net -   18 | 5532 | 4539 |  172 |  178 |  408 |  190 |
|              ae1-br01-eqla1.as57976.net -   20 | 5387 | 4357 |  220 |  250 |  600 |  237 |
|        et-0-0-2-br01-swlv10.as57976.net -   19 | 5449 | 4435 |  220 |  248 |  831 |  240 |
|                 -   19 | 5473 | 4465 |  220 |  226 |  475 |  237 |
|         et-0-0-0-pe04-eqch2.as57976.net -   19 | 5448 | 4434 |    0 |  246 |  397 |  237 |
|        chi-eqch2-ia-bons-04.as57976.net -   18 | 5600 | 4623 |  221 |  246 |  308 |  237 |
|                  -   18 | 5551 | 4562 |  220 |  222 |  243 |  237 |
   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Iā€™m also experiencing MASSIVE lag spikes in group content. Leveling has no issues for me. Iā€™ve tried rebooting my router and modem multiple times. Speedtest shows download and upload speed of up to 200mbps for both. Please help.

please fix, the lag is unbearable

Posting for the umpteen time so this thread gets kept alive and someone from Bliz sees it HOPEFULLYā€¦

Iā€™ve posted on multiple threads regarding this issue which has persisted ever since the ad-hoc sever reset a couple of days ago. Some threads have upwards of 70 replies of players located in various geographical regions (im located in Oceania and it seems thereā€™s a large majority of the player base affected here) however we have yet to be met with any replies / given any insights to what may be causing this issue, and what action is going to be taken.

Players have all been providing their WINMTR data in the hopes it may help Blizzard identify and rectify the issue, yet we have been met with nothing but silence.

Its evident that the issue cannot lie with the local ISP as the issue is wide spread geographically, after all this is a paid service weā€™re talking about, we have all either paid for game time or subscriptions which equates to dollars lost for every minute we are unable to play the game. It is thoroughly unacceptable to charge for a service where fees are collected up front, yet you fail to deliver on it.

I have had vessels and mythic+ keys wasted because of this issue, not to mention getting flack from instance group members who arenā€™t experiencing these latency issues and have to put up with a laggy player ruining the experience for them too.

For the sake of everyone, I am no longer playing to avoid being a burden to the rest of the unaffected playing community.

At the very least, please acknowledge that there is indeed an ongoing latency issue with instance content, so that other affected players will know this isnā€™t an isolated issue relating to them. I for one spent my entire morning trouble shooting my own network and re-installing wow on my SSD to no avail before discovering i wasā€™t alone when hopping onto the forums looking for answers.

There are far too many threads and post for this issue to continuously be ignored.

Again WINMTR data of the last M+ instance I was in where World ms spiked into the thousands while Home ms remained stable at 100ms.

WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
Linksys09702 1 2670 2648 1 6 159 2 1 2702 2688 3 13 500 9 1 2686 2668 3 13 559 16 1 2695 2679 3 17 445 15 1 2706 2693 3 19 556 23 1 2705 2692 3 13 457 14 1 2686 2668 3 14 545 21
i-22-108-peer.istt04.pr.telstraglobal.net 1 2706 2693 4 15 473 18
i-93.sgpl-core02.telstraglobal.net 1 2713 2702 4 15 457 19
i-15150.sgcn-core01.telstraglobal.net 1 2698 2683 5 15 481 47
i-25451.pthw-core02.telstraglobal.net 1 2667 2644 50 64 506 56
i-10154.sydp-core03.telstraglobal.net 1 2679 2659 99 110 546 110
i-90.sydp10.telstraglobal.net 2 2646 2618 98 109 413 109
unknown.telstraglobal.net 1 2662 2638 99 114 521 158
et-0-0-49-br02-eqsy4.as57976.net 1 2682 2663 99 113 485 111
et-0-0-0-pe02-eqsy4.as57976.net 1 2678 2658 127 141 468 135 2 2575 2529 99 107 510 103

We are once again asking for your technical support update.

As an oceanic player I often feel as if I am a low priority for blizzard and that they only care when North American customers are having problems.

Certainly given all the information in this thread (a start date of issues, multiple WinMTR ) some sort of feedback could be given?

It is always around this timing the connection screw up againā€¦it was ok for 4 hrsā€¦whatā€™s the deal Blizzard?

This is what i got for Bliz, after lodging a ticket. I find it odd that if the issue lieā€™s with my ISP, then why am i only experiencing connectivity issues in WOW specifically with the World ms whenever joining an instance.

Thank you for your patience while we looked into your issue for you. Tech Specialist Logan, here. I wanted to provide a bit of insight into whatā€™s happening with that connection issue. As you noted, weā€™ve received several contacts from players in Singapore who have been having problems with their connection for the past week or so. Weā€™re looking into this problem now to see if thereā€™s anything we can do to help with it. Now, thereā€™s not a ton of insight we can provide right now, but Iā€™ll provide what I can.

As a quick aside before I get into it, you were curious why we arenā€™t updating the threads yet. Ultimately, we are still in the information gathering stage of this. When we have a thread like this, we try to only provide updates when we have confirmed information. It doesnā€™t mean we arenā€™t aware of the problem, just that there are no major updates to provide.

We have an internal ticket open on our end to see if thereā€™s anything our network team can do, but because of the problem Iā€™ll explain in a moment, we may not be able to help with this. As far as we can tell from the tests so far, this looks like congestion of Internet Service Providers in your area.

One thing that may be notable for this problem is that there are currently mass quarantines around the world due to the Coronavirus. As a result, internet infrastructure is strained. More people are working from home, and more people staying home and just using the internet to do things like stream, download games, etc. Because the internet itself is struggling all around the globe, many Internet Service Providers are throttling connections to certain services so that important industries can ensure that they have a good connection to their businesses. In other situations, some of the internet providers just donā€™t have enough bandwidth for everybody during peak hours, causing further issues.

If you run into problems like this, the easiest way to test to see if this is the problem youā€™re having is to try on a different network. What Iā€™ve been recommending to people who have problems like this is to test by installing a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Popular options for this include Tunnelbear, WTFast, and Hotspotshield. If you install a VPN, connect to the VPN, and the problem goes away, then you know that the problem is an Internet Service Provider issue.

Unfortunately at this time, thereā€™s not a lot that Internet Service Providers can do right now - theyā€™re mostly at their limits. If the VPN works, I recommend using it whenever connection issues occur until the quarantines are over. We know that this is not optimal, but given the congestion we have seen in all of these network tests, itā€™s unlikely that we can help with this. You should forward your connectivity tests to your internet service provider to see if they can impact the problem.

Hopefully the VPN this makes it so that you can connect to the game servers in a slightly more stable manner. If not, keep an eye on this thread for any updates we have on the issue. Weā€™ll update it when we have things to share.

Thank you again for letting us know about this problem. If you need more help, please let us know.

donā€™t think is internet congestion on our sideā€¦ I can surf the net/play other games without any hiccupsā€¦ just tested again and the lag issue is still there

once again as expected, blaming and pushing the blame over to our isp

I raised this with Starhub on Saturday. On Sunday, they sent an engineer to my home to test my fibre optic connection: it was excellent (>800Mbps Up/Down).

As part of their Standard Operating Procedure, the engineer also replaced the modem.

My ISP, Starhub have done their part.

For my part, I have submitted three MTR reports in this post.

Over to you now Blizzard.

woah so good ā€¦ I also want to change a new modem hahaā€¦ how u do it?