[Apr/May/June 2020] SEA - Increased Latency on Oceanic Realm

Hi, same here… The latency spike during instances ever since 17april. Using Myrepublic here. Seems like this is a major problem for singaporean

Just to let you guys know, we Diablo 3 players from Singapore are facing this problem also. D3 is unplayable now due to extreme lag spikes, and 19/20 times we can’t even log in

It also started yesterday

Still very high ms now. Here’s my winMTR if it helps


|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |

|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


|                          Singtel-ACPlus -    0 | 1169 | 1169 |    0 |    0 |    3 |    0 |

|         bb116-14-163-254.singnet.com.sg -    0 | 1169 | 1169 |    0 |    2 |  330 |    1 |

|                -    0 | 1169 | 1169 |    1 |    2 |   21 |    2 |

|                -    0 | 1169 | 1169 |    1 |    1 |   34 |    1 |

|            ae8-0.tp-cr03.singnet.com.sg -    0 | 1168 | 1168 |    1 |    1 |   56 |    1 |

|            ae4-0.tp-er03.singnet.com.sg -    0 | 1169 | 1169 |    1 |    2 |   42 |    1 |

|                -    0 | 1169 | 1169 |    1 |    4 |  106 |    1 |

|      xe-11-0-0-qt1-bo307.singnet.com.sg -    0 | 1169 | 1169 |    2 |    2 |   28 |    3 |

|                  -    0 | 1169 | 1169 |    2 |    2 |   41 |    2 |

|               unknown.telstraglobal.net -    1 | 1158 | 1155 |    2 |    4 |  174 |    3 |

|      i-91.sgcn-core01.telstraglobal.net -    1 | 1142 | 1135 |    3 |    5 |   86 |    4 |

|   i-25451.pthw-core02.telstraglobal.net -   18 |  694 |  575 |  207 |  208 |  219 |  210 |

|   i-10154.sydp-core03.telstraglobal.net -   19 |  666 |  540 |  207 |  208 |  243 |  207 |

|           i-90.sydp10.telstraglobal.net -   18 |  682 |  560 |  207 |  207 |  242 |  207 |

|               unknown.telstraglobal.net -   21 |  648 |  517 |    0 |  213 |  277 |  208 |

|        et-0-0-49-br01-eqsy4.as57976.net -   19 |  670 |  545 |  207 |  213 |  322 |  207 |

|         et-0-0-0-pe01-eqsy4.as57976.net -   20 |  650 |  520 |  205 |  208 |  328 |  205 |

|                 -   19 |  674 |  550 |  207 |  207 |  211 |  208 |

|                  -   17 |  698 |  580 |  205 |  205 |  208 |  206 |


   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

This issue is happening again! Please fix it…been almost 24 hrs with no technical support!

Been having extremely high latency (3000+) in instances every evening this week.

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i am sitting on 4-5k ms now in heroic warfront…there is no lag in the open world if i am not in a finder group…seriously what is going on

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Cant play dungeons or PVP with high ping

Hello BLIZzZ

They Fixed It!!!

Thank you for your reports everyone! I moved this over to a new thread so we can gather data for the issues happening this month. We’re continuing to monitor the latency increase with Singapore connections. It looks like there were some issues yesterday. Some of the connection tests we’ve gathered so far, show that the connection is routing through Europe first which is causing the latency issues.

If the problem continues to happen, please let us know and include a WinMTR file until the problem occurs for 10 to 15 minutes. Copy and paste the text file created and paste it between two ~~~ like so:

WinMTR Here

If you have issues pasting here, use Pastebin and post the end of the link. (ie. 123456 for pastebin.com/123456)

It is still laggy and the closed it!?!

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
|                         Singtel-ACElite -    0 |  660 |  660 |    0 |    0 |    4 |    0 |
|         bb116-14-163-254.singnet.com.sg -    0 |  659 |  659 |    0 |    0 |   75 |    1 |
|                -    0 |  659 |  659 |    1 |    1 |   26 |    2 |
|                -    0 |  659 |  659 |    1 |    1 |   58 |    1 |
|            ae8-0.tp-cr03.singnet.com.sg -    0 |  659 |  659 |    1 |    2 |   45 |    1 |
|            ae4-0.tp-er03.singnet.com.sg -    0 |  659 |  659 |    1 |    2 |   36 |    2 |
|                -    0 |  659 |  659 |    1 |    4 |   67 |    1 |
|                   -    0 |  659 |  659 |    1 |    2 |   42 |    2 |
|                  -    0 |  659 |  659 |    2 |    2 |   59 |    2 |
|               unknown.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  659 |  659 |    2 |    3 |   55 |    3 |
|      i-93.sgpl-core02.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  659 |  659 |    3 |    4 |   10 |    4 |
|   i-15150.sgcn-core01.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  659 |  659 |    3 |    4 |    9 |    5 |
|   i-25451.pthw-core02.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  659 |  659 |  215 |  217 |  224 |  217 |
|   i-10154.sydp-core03.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  659 |  659 |  210 |  211 |  218 |  214 |
|           i-90.sydp10.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  659 |  659 |  202 |  202 |  240 |  202 |
|               unknown.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  659 |  659 |  216 |  222 |  340 |  224 |
|        et-0-0-49-br01-eqsy4.as57976.net -    0 |  659 |  659 |  216 |  222 |  341 |  217 |
|         et-0-0-0-pe01-eqsy4.as57976.net -    0 |  659 |  659 |  208 |  211 |  328 |  208 |
|                 -    0 |  659 |  659 |  208 |  208 |  214 |  208 |
|                  -    0 |  659 |  659 |  213 |  214 |  222 |  214 |
   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

I was wrong! the lag is BACK!

Hi Blizz Please fix it again. I think they it was auto reroute again!

Australian Player:

Was raiding heroic Ny’alotha with 0 issues or lag problems. As soon as we switched to normal and pulled wrathion 15,560ms.

This is the first time I have experienced these issues and I find it extremely frustrating.

WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
dsldevice.lan 0 18 18 0 0 2 0
203-219-198-53.tpgi.com.au 0 18 18 4 4 5 4
203-219-199-193.tpgi.com.au 0 18 18 5 5 5 5
syd-tpg-wat-crt2-ge-3-1.static.tpgi.com.au 0 18 18 51 55 73 51
syd-apt-ros-int1-hu0-3-0-2.tpgi.com.au 0 18 18 51 55 70 56
ix-et-0-0-2-0.tcore1.lvw-los-angeles.as6453.net 0 17 17 227 228 229 228
las-b24-link.telia.net 8 13 12 227 230 243 227
blizzard-ic-348620-las-b24.c.telia.net 23 9 7 0 229 241 228
ae1-br02-csla1.as57976.net 0 17 17 264 265 278 264
xe-0-0-1-3-br02-eqla1.as57976.net 0 17 17 264 265 273 265
et-0-0-3-br02-eqch2.as57976.net 9 12 11 277 277 278 277
et-0-0-1-pe01-eqch2.as57976.net 0 17 17 263 266 315 263 0 17 17 264 264 266 265
WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
dsldevice.lan 0 49 49 0 0 2 0
203-219-198-53.tpgi.com.au 0 49 49 4 4 6 4
203.29.134-193.tpgi.com.au 0 49 49 4 5 6 5
syd-tpg-wat-crt2-ge-3-1.static.tpgi.com.au 0 49 49 51 54 59 57
syd-apt-ros-int1-eth8-3.tpgi.com.au 0 49 49 51 54 59 56
ix-et-0-0-2-0.tcore1.lvw-los-angeles.as6453.net 0 49 49 227 228 234 228
las-b24-link.telia.net 13 32 28 227 228 236 227
blizzard-ic-348620-las-b24.c.telia.net 13 33 29 0 230 256 228
ae1-br01-csla1.as57976.net 0 49 49 230 234 317 230
xe-0-0-1-3-br01-eqla1.as57976.net 0 49 49 225 231 303 226
et-0-0-2-br01-swlv10.as57976.net 9 37 34 232 236 281 232
et-0-0-0-pe04-swlv10.as57976.net 0 49 49 225 227 271 225
las-swlv10-ia-bons-04.as57976.net 0 49 49 230 230 231 230 0 49 49 225 225 227 225

Taken again after logging into the world after restarting all my things and not being in the raid:

WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
dsldevice.lan 0 197 197 0 0 6 0
203-219-198-53.tpgi.com.au 0 197 197 7 8 13 8
203-219-199-193.tpgi.com.au 0 197 197 8 8 14 8
syd-tpg-wat-crt2-ge-3-1.static.tpgi.com.au 0 197 197 54 57 63 61
syd-apt-ros-int1-eth8-3.tpgi.com.au 0 197 197 55 59 73 57
ix-et-0-0-2-0.tcore1.lvw-los-angeles.as6453.net 0 198 198 232 232 266 232
las-b24-link.telia.net 14 130 113 230 231 242 230
blizzard-ic-348620-las-b24.c.telia.net 16 126 107 231 234 303 231
ae1-br01-csla1.as57976.net 0 197 197 228 231 318 229
xe-0-0-1-3-br01-eqla1.as57976.net 0 198 198 228 235 328 236
et-0-0-2-br01-swlv10.as57976.net 11 138 123 235 238 285 236
et-0-0-0-pe01-swlv10.as57976.net 0 197 197 232 236 342 232 0 197 197 229 229 236 229
WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
dsldevice.lan 0 124 124 0 0 6 0
203-219-198-53.tpgi.com.au 0 124 124 6 7 11 7
203-219-199-193.tpgi.com.au 0 124 124 6 7 10 8
syd-tpg-wat-crt2-ge-3-1.static.tpgi.com.au 0 124 124 53 57 65 54
syd-apt-ros-int1-hu0-3-0-2.tpgi.com.au 0 124 124 53 57 63 59
ix-et-0-0-2-0.tcore1.lvw-los-angeles.as6453.net 0 124 124 230 232 251 231
las-b24-link.telia.net 12 85 75 229 230 240 230
blizzard-ic-348620-las-b24.c.telia.net 9 92 84 229 233 280 231
ae1-br02-csla1.as57976.net 0 124 124 266 269 347 268
xe-0-0-1-3-br02-eqla1.as57976.net 0 124 124 267 272 325 268
et-0-0-3-br02-eqch2.as57976.net 0 124 124 294 300 393 327
et-0-0-1-pe02-eqch2.as57976.net 0 124 124 265 268 366 267
chi-eqch2-ia-bons-02.as57976.net 0 124 124 268 269 279 269 0 124 124 267 268 273 269

I have used both server IPs provided to demonstrate the performance.

The worst for packet loss is

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Australian Player - Oceanic Realm (iiNet/TPG Internet)

Raiding / Dungeons / BGs ping spikes right up to 2000ms+ World Ping. Unable to actually play due to the lag. Started on Friday the 18th.

Please see the amount of packet loss from Telia link onward.


|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |

|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


|                           dsldevice.lan -    0 |   53 |   53 |    1 |    2 |   11 |    1 |

|              203-219-198-74.tpgi.com.au -    0 |   53 |   53 |    7 |   10 |   31 |   10 |

|      per-apt-stg-crt1-be200.tpgi.com.au -    0 |   53 |   53 |    8 |   10 |   30 |    9 |

|  syd-gls-har-crt1-Hu-0-5-0-1.tpg.com.au -    0 |   53 |   53 |   55 |   61 |  129 |   60 |

|  syd-gls-har-int1-hu0-3-0-3.tpgi.com.au -    0 |   53 |   53 |   54 |   61 |  124 |   60 |

|                  las-b24-link.telia.net -   20 |   30 |   24 |  215 |  221 |  256 |  221 |

|  blizzard-ic-348620-las-b24.c.telia.net -   20 |   31 |   25 |  219 |  236 |  292 |  230 |

|              ae1-br01-csla1.as57976.net -   28 |   25 |   18 |  221 |  225 |  246 |  223 |

|       xe-0-0-1-3-br01-eqla1.as57976.net -   14 |   36 |   31 |  220 |  226 |  273 |  221 |

|        et-0-0-2-br01-swlv10.as57976.net -   11 |   37 |   33 |  220 |  223 |  238 |  221 |

|        et-0-0-0-pe01-swlv10.as57976.net -   22 |   28 |   22 |  220 |  224 |  247 |  223 |

|                  -   19 |   32 |   26 |  220 |  222 |  245 |  221 |


Please stop passing this off as issues with the users internet. There are plenty of examples to raise this with your network operations.


Singapore Player and the issue has not be solved

As a test:

World latency and solo transmog farming - Normal MS of ~200-240.

As soon as I rejoin the raid and zone into normal Nyalotha - creeps back up to 2200ms

WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
dsldevice.lan 0 100 100 0 0 10 0
203-219-198-53.tpgi.com.au 0 100 100 7 8 23 8
203-219-199-193.tpgi.com.au 0 100 100 8 8 23 8
syd-tpg-wat-crt2-ge-3-1.static.tpgi.com.au 0 100 100 53 58 68 56
syd-apt-ros-int1-eth8-3.tpgi.com.au 0 100 100 55 59 70 62
ix-et-0-0-2-0.tcore1.lvw-los-angeles.as6453.net 0 100 100 232 232 253 232
las-b24-link.telia.net 8 77 71 230 231 256 230
blizzard-ic-348620-las-b24.c.telia.net 10 73 66 230 235 284 231
ae1-br01-csla1.as57976.net 0 100 100 228 230 314 228
xe-0-0-1-3-br01-eqla1.as57976.net 0 100 100 228 236 342 236
et-0-0-2-br01-swlv10.as57976.net 17 61 51 235 239 282 236
et-0-0-0-pe01-swlv10.as57976.net 0 100 100 232 235 318 233 0 100 100 229 229 236 233
WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
dsldevice.lan 0 55 55 0 0 5 0
203-219-198-53.tpgi.com.au 0 55 55 7 7 13 8
203-219-199-193.tpgi.com.au 0 55 55 8 8 14 8
syd-tpg-wat-crt2-ge-3-1.static.tpgi.com.au 0 55 55 54 57 61 59
syd-apt-ros-int1-hu0-3-0-2.tpgi.com.au 0 55 55 54 57 62 61
ix-et-0-0-2-0.tcore1.lvw-los-angeles.as6453.net 0 55 55 232 233 251 232
las-b24-link.telia.net 8 42 39 230 230 237 231
blizzard-ic-348620-las-b24.c.telia.net 8 40 37 231 235 279 233
ae1-br02-csla1.as57976.net 0 55 55 268 269 311 269
xe-0-0-1-3-br02-eqla1.as57976.net 0 55 55 268 273 318 268
et-0-0-3-br02-eqch2.as57976.net 0 55 55 296 299 334 296
et-0-0-1-pe02-eqch2.as57976.net 0 55 55 266 268 318 268
chi-eqch2-ia-bons-02.as57976.net 0 55 55 269 270 273 270 0 55 55 268 268 271 269
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Same issue here in Australia, started last night and is still going as we speak. Yet i am not experiencing any loss on WinMTR, last night my results were showing packet loss on las-b24-link onwards. Please fix this asap as i can’t even take full advantage of the 100 percent xp buff right now, i can only quest.
EDIT forgot to add Iinet/TPG internet, though i also tried it on my Optus hotspot with same issue.

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
|                 192-168-1-1.tpgi.com.au -    0 |  334 |  334 |    1 |    8 |   24 |    6 |
|                10-20-25-183.tpgi.com.au -    0 |  334 |  334 |    6 |   11 |   22 |    9 |
|             203-219-199-195.tpgi.com.au -    0 |  334 |  334 |    7 |   13 |   27 |   16 |
|203-174-132-53.per.static-ipl.aapt.com.au -    0 |  334 |  334 |    7 |   13 |   26 |   10 |
|Bundle-Ether13.wel-edge902.perth.telstra.net -    0 |  334 |  334 |    6 |   13 |   26 |   10 |
|bundle-ether7.wel-core3.perth.telstra.net -    0 |  334 |  334 |    6 |   14 |   29 |   11 |
|bundle-ether3.fli-core10.adelaide.telstra.net -    0 |  334 |  334 |   35 |   41 |   55 |   39 |
|bundle-ether16.win-core10.melbourne.telstra.net -    0 |  334 |  334 |   46 |   55 |   69 |   60 |
|bundle-ether12.ken-core10.sydney.telstra.net -    0 |  334 |  334 |   53 |   56 |   75 |   56 |
|bundle-ether1.oxf-gw10.sydney.telstra.net -    0 |  334 |  334 |   59 |   62 |   77 |   62 |
|bundle-ether1.sydo-core04.sydney.reach.com -    0 |  334 |  334 |   55 |   60 |   77 |   61 |
|           i-91.sydo10.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  334 |  334 |   58 |   64 |   85 |   60 |
|               unknown.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  334 |  334 |   56 |   67 |  132 |   60 |
|                  -    0 |  334 |  334 |   55 |   65 |  194 |   58 |
|         et-0-0-0-pe02-eqsy4.as57976.net -    0 |  334 |  334 |   54 |   64 |  169 |   71 |
|                  -    0 |  334 |  334 |   54 |   59 |   75 |   73 |
   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
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Yeah it seems to be mostly lagging when Oceanic players get put into a US based group.

If you run that MTR to the US IP address you will see a whole bunch of packet loss.