April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

I don’t know why he mentioned skimpy armor. It’s not getting removed.

It was a concern when the jokes were being removed given the time and/or gold investments that had been made to add those items into individual appearance tabs by various players.

I would anticipate an extremely ugly reaction if it was ever to come to pass.

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They’re not neccessarily mentally ill. It’s actually fairly complicated.

  1. Being perceived as different from the norm sets you apart. No matter what that’s doing it. Being considered smart can draw resentment among schoolmates especially if grading is done in a curve. And heaven help you if you’re female. (Ask Jill Biden or Hillary Clinton about that sometime.)

  2. Some people who are especially talented ARE wired differently from the norm This tends to be seen among the really great chessmasters who literally process information in ways that most people don’t. Some like Bobby Fischer have major socialisation issues.

  3. There’s an inherent distrust of people we don’t understand, so the Mad Scientist tropeis as classic as Shelley. If they’re willful they’re less inhibited by the forbiddfen as was Shelley’s Doctor Frankenstein. (which was not the name of the monster dammit!)

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So you would have the power to dress my avatar (in your perceptions) according to YOUR whims. Do you not see what’s wrong with this?

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How is it a problem? You won’t even see it or know it.
Its like turning the language filter on.

Its your right to swear. Its my right not to hear it.


It wouldn’t be the power to dress your character skimpily.

The difference is those just remove the visual armor of a character and showing the already-present base model beneath. This isn’t a simple toggle switch, because there isn’t a secondary layer beneath the “skank armor” to show, beyond their underwear. Which isn’t exactly a solution.

It’s all moot; there’s no indication that slutmogs are going away any time soon anyway, but Smalls’ reasoning is just pretty terrible.

Did you seriously cut out of the quote of my statement the example where a person can literally take away almost all the “clothes” a toon is wearing then complain about someone having the power to toggle skimpy versus non-skimpy on your toon on their screen (assuming you had dressed your toon in skimpy transmog to begin with)?


The example of the X-Ray goggles was to show that the ability to convert what a given toon is wearing to something else is already a function of sorts in the game and is based on if a given person has activated a given engineering toy or not.

I was making the point that a toggle switch to turn the skimpy armor into non-skimpy armor should be easily doable cause they have already done something quite similar with the X-Ray Goggles.

And my point was it’s an entirely different situation. You can toggle “remove all armor”. That’s easy coding. We have a toy that does the same thing.

Toggling “put on whole armor set appearance, distinct for each armor class, if they are showing X percentage of skin” is not the same by any measure.

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Could just make a “View other players transmog Yes/No” option.

At one point during BC timewalking, no idea if it’s still the case, I noticed my rogue was put into a random BC era rogue set so they probably already have the technology to put random sets on other players.


Eh, but then you still have people whose skimpy armor isn’t transmog and is the real armor. People were gathering these armor sets up and wearing them around cities well before transmog was a thing, and people will go out of their way to do things they know will make other players uncomfortable and/or bypass filters.

Again, it’s all a moot point; these armor sets aren’t going away, nor is Blizzard going to dedicate time and resources to fix a problem that is minor at best. Swapping out a woman for a bowl of fruit is about the level of effort they’ll give to it.

Getting rid of the skimpy armor also sends a bad message. Because than they’re essentially telling women they aren’t allowed to show any skin.


They could just use the end-game-preview armor sets they show at the character creation.

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The whole “getting rid of skimpy armor” debate seems like what the High School Debate Team kids like to call a “straw man”. Or a “slippery slope”.

Blizzard hasn’t mentioned it. It is just something people mention as an argument because of other changes that may have disturbed them.

That aside - the discussion of “how one wants to be seen” vs “what another wants to see” is interesting.

If Night Elves were disgusting and despicable to someone, will they get a toggle to turn them into Humans visually? Or little ash piles? If someone wants to only see Night Elves as little piles of grumpy ash… that seems as legitimate as other players only wanting to see others as they demand.

Exactly. It’s “today they got rid of an obscure painting of a lady in skimpy clothing and some very questionable joke emotes. Next they will delete my transmog collection and replace it with potato sacks!!”

… Or they just got rid of an obscure painting and some questionable emotes. This is Blizzard. They have always been a least-effort-possible company. Why’re people thinking this one time, they’ll not be that?


Women are expected to be ashamed of their sexuality in most societies. Especially in prudish America, where you’ll get sloot-shamed for not wearing a bra in public.

I always thought it ironic the hypocrisy of some people and companies who think a man running around half-naked is only empowering for men, or worse toxic masculinity (apparently straight women are incapable of appreciating a handsome man showing some skin). But a women showing skin? Clearly fanservice at best, exploitation at worse.


Already in the game (somewhat) with the B.E.E.R. Goggles. The Alliance version turns everyone into Male Gnomes and the Horde version turns everyone into Female Orcs.

It sounds like you’ve forgot that they changed several quests too. They put in plenty of effort to do that.