April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

No he’s affirming genius’s materially exist as a clearly defined category of person and are unable to exist in normal society without engaging with moral and ethical depravity including racism, misogyny, and abuse

Using cherry picked hyper specific historical time-space moments and attempting to generalize to all of humanity across human history

This is incoherent, false, and harmful.


I may have loosely used the term “crazies” but not because I think those people are ill. I do believe that some people are different and that creatively revolutionary people tend to be different. I do believe that a one size fits all approach doesnt fit for education any more than it fits for workplaces. I also believe that not every creative space should be treated as a “workplace”.

I think Ive expressed before that I have some disdain for the western concept of mental illness. In part because I have some people very close to me who western culture would consider “ill” but I consider genius. Enlightened. Artistic. Spiritual. Magical. Different.

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Eccentric is the term I think your looking for


I dont know… does Baal have a problem with that, or is that connected to some 1920s Eugenecist?

This is how people go untreated and harm occurs.


Yes. I believe this. I dont believe that every smart person who gets a superior education counts.

Yes… yes…

No. Dang it. We were so close.

First I claimed that I dont think that all those people are racists or sexists. I think they may have done things that are inappropriate for a normal workplace.

Separately, I said I like me some sexist and racially insensitive art. Not proud of it… just being honest.

I also said (or tried to) that historically, we can see examples of creative movements which are defined in part by the way in which they buck socially accepted norms regarding sex and illicit substances. I dont have a problem with that morally. I dont have a problem as long as everyone is on the same page. And in a corporate office setting, thats kind of impossible.

The problem with this is that I can’t turn it off. When I zone into a BG and half the female avatars are dressed as if we actually queued in for some DOA Extreme Volleyball, I cannot turn that off.

So it’s not a case of “we each get our own way”. It’s a case for you (hypothetical you, not specific) getting your way, and me living with it.


Harm occurs when people do get treated as well.

Oh, man… Im sorry but I forgot about DOA Beach Volleyball. Loved it, but I agree it probably shouldnt have been on the screen at game stop in the mall.

You’re the person that’s generalizing here, not him. He gave specific examples and you haven’t.

This statement is historical revisionism.

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I figured what Mawthorne was trying to say now from our conversation. One of those deals, where someone has good intentions, but people twist your words against you.

(Lord knows it’s happened all of us at least once)


He hasn’t worded many of his posts here in a good way but I think I understand what he means.


Same. It’s why I asked him what he meant before jumping to conclusions. It was a peaceful conversation mostly, I think he meant smart people are eccentric and that largely is true. In that their minds do work differently from your average person.

It’s how its been worded that his meaning is getting lost in translation as it were.


Geniuses need not be socially well-adjusted.
Geniuses need not be socially maladjusted.
But the maladjusted ones make for more interesting stories.
Especially if said maladjustment is exaggerated for entertainment purposes.

This is something I relate to and when I see other people who are like this I can notice it. I can see historical figures, particularly creative types, and tell when they are this type of person by what they’ve said and done. It’s natural that groups of them have existed, people with enough similarities will come together and build upon their shared art, it’s how ideas grow and flourish. Yet there are people who will say that everyone’s minds are the same and that everyone has the same ideas, and that people don’t need to think outside of the box to create fresh, new interesting concepts. Or atleast that’s what the people saying that want and just want to take away everything they don’t like.


I think that’s fair, and I don’t mind Baal calling me out on that. “As iron sharpens iron” or so they say.


Sometimes. But I think most casual observers would agree that there was a movement in science fiction around the time Frazetta was producing his sexually charged paintings, and Roy Thomas/Barry Windsor-Smith were creating (ripping off) Red Sonja that characters were empowered and sexually objectified. That these “weirdos” were “scandalously” depicting sexually liberated females in dominant or at least equal roles. That these female characters in their bikini mail were being the object and subject. Not just sexual idols, being worshipped but the Goddesses of their domains.

Small indie company.

That said, axing most of those jokes was an obvious overreaction. If they think that stuff is mean, they should hear what’s said in the girl’s room.


I wonder how many people knew that Red Sonja as created by Ron Howardactually started as a pistol packing mama? Red Sonya of Rogatine a woman of Polish and Ukrainian origins.

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It would be a simple “filter switch” control being created similar to the profanity filter. Turn it on or off at your discretion.

We know something like that is doable cause the Gnomish X-ray Goggles are thing.