April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

I’m INFJ :slight_smile:


We are Infinite Js!!


I put the judging in everything.

I sprinkle it on everything, that’s why I’m so toxic.

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This topic is making me uncomfortable. I won’t discuss it further.


If it’s the 16personalities test then it’s not very accurate. The best way to find out is to do research on your own. It’s something I’m fairly good at because it’s something I’ve looked a lot into.

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I knew we were besties for a reason! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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That’s fair, I was just trying to help you. I probably came on too strong and intimidating, which wasn’t my intention. :peace_symbol:


Why you gotta do this to me tho? I was just an INFinite Jedi-Treat, and that made me happy!


But trying to pinpoint me based on my forum identity is… Difficult. I’m much more… Verbose here than in the real world, because I can take my time, sort my thoughts, edit and delete as needed, and remain a feeling of emotional detatchment from whatever I’m typing. I can try to be funny, try to be light, or be a little attack dog, barking like a chihuahua at anything that moves.

In the world beyond the interweb, I am barely like I am online. I worry about how my words will affect people (which sometimes affects me here too, which is why I’ve tried to stay away from certain topics except for a line or two, or a couple jokes), I’d rather listen to others’ views and hear how things affect them, so on and so forth.

It’s not the anonymity of online life either. Even my boss noticed Texting Alynsa is different from Talking Alynsa. It’s not intentional, just a different medium.


I do think there’s something in the way one communicates even online though. The silly and excited expressioning you do here is indicative of an extroverted type, introverted types tend to be more calm and chill. I’m an INFJ myself and I wouldn’t get hyper like you do. It makes more sense for Ren to be an INFJ, if she is one, because of her own calm attitude. But it’s pseudo psychology because there’s no method to clearly pinpoint it, so results can vary.


I am pretty calm except for when it comes to something I’m passionate about, which a INFJ trait. I really enjoy Jung’s work. I have a lot of his books.


I’m sorry.

Don’t be, you’re good.

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There’s a large MMO Champion thread, which links to this thread, claiming that a bunch of us are harassing April Copeland.


It’s simply untrue.


Good find, I’m going to browse it now


All cards on the table truth? The silly, excited stuff is me coping. My work is emotionally exhausting. Compassion fatigue is an every day struggle. The sillier I get here, the harder I’m fighting back tears behind the screen because one of my clients is going through it and I’m either not in a position to help, or there is no help to be given. So I go here, find an excuse to be a goof, and go back to wearing my brave big girl face to talk to the client.

It’s all me behaving the way I wish someone else could behave to make me feel better, to take my mind off of the opressive realities affecting my medically compromised homeless clients, even for just a minute. All I want is for someone else to laugh so I can laugh inside to hold back the emotions on the outside, so the client who lost her legs and is facing life back on the streets if we can’t go beyond our job capabilities to find her affordable housing won’t then add atop all that making the nice respite worker cry. Because I’ve gone through that and it makes them feel worse when they see me cry for them.

So I make the sillies. I make the hyperactive jokey posts. I push through my anxieties and hope to get a single like, to validate the joke I uncomfortably made.

Also butts.

Also, I’m struggling not to Doness this post. Doness, ILU, you have now become a verb for deleting posts.


It’s okay if you Doness the post, if it makes you uncomfortable.


I read the thread, wasn’t too bad. Seemed to mostly be people denouncing harassment while saying that April should’ve expected the amount of people responding to her. She put herself in that situation and had to face the consequences. The OP seems to be the one who had a problem. No mention of anyone other than an indirect reference to Baal in the OP and one post indirectly referencing Zerde.

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Might be shocked, but IRL I’m actually super quiet and only get talkative if it’s something I adore, like Star Wars, Warcraft, movies,etc.

I’m really only talkative on here because WoW is one of my passions, its been a big part of my life for these last 16+ yrs.


I am the exactly same online and offline and something my friends point out is actually fairly uncommon.

Anyways what’s funny about that thread is

  1. There were nastier comments towards me and others when I first saw it yesterday afternoon that led to me being annoyed but appear to now have been removed
  2. She is currently unlocked and not a single tweet deleted
  3. She agreed with everything I said and the conclusion we left on was she couldn’t do anything and firmly stands by the claim Sean was caught unaware of the Habitual Be in the book, the Goblin Antisemitic bit, and the AntiBlack/AntiNative Trope for Zekhan/Lorthemar bit.

But the thread ignores that bit :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Who else were there nasty comments about?