April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

Ah, you’re are back to being Oribos guard Doness. That’s feels safe and familiar :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Considering part of Sylvanas’s character is being anti-xenophobic, probably.

The elves were lowkey derogatory to humans. That’s 100% BE canon. See, the High Elves taught the lesser blossoming human race about arcane magic, and the humans rewarded the High elves for this knowledge by severly abusing this power for thier own selfish gains, not unlike thier predecessors who sided with Queen Azshara.

This fostered generations of racism against humans which was explored heavily in the WC2 RTS books. Sylvanas herself (as seen in the vanilla item the Registry of Quel’thalas) wasn’t anti-human per-se, she understood the mistrust but also condemmed her people for being isolationists, but thrre’s reason to support through Vereesa’s story that her family at some point was critical of humans because Vereesa was critical of humans when she met Rohnin.

Sylvanas did kill Garithos due to racism, so this position of hers only intensified in death. She justified burning Teldrassil by claiming to herself that the NE’s were intolerant.

Racism is a huge part of Warcraft, but racial stereotypes shouldn’t be.


So apperently the book is available again and nothing change. The fact no one is talking about is probably why Blizzard decided to change the release at all.

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Because we’re all talking about the latest Afrasiabi revelation which the “sources” decided to approve being shown in a video partly the same day as the new release date.

It’s the same thing with how M&M is causing melodrama about the Green M&M while the lawsuit about SLAVE LABOR is starting, and that has since taken priority

God I hate late capitalist PR tactics


So Alex Afrisiabi strikes again… wait a minute…

At least your federal government and the Mainstream Media didn’t make a media circus out of the Australian Open all to hide how incompetent and lazy your leader is.

Part of be thinks the Aussie federal government gave Novak Djokovic a visa for the sole intention of later rejecting it to distract our media away from Scott Morrison.


Man, the book is out of stock already on Amazon? I was hoping to get a physical copy for my collection.

I ordered it earlier this month and it was expected to come in March, but I got it a few days ago

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WoW has been racist for years, and will be racist till the day it dies.


I’ll take “Unnecessary Statements” for 200


You see why I delete so many posts?

Do you know about the MBTI? You seem to be an INFP. I think you’ve been going through an Fi-Si loop. Have you been stressed? You might need to get back in touch with your extroverted functions if you haven’t already.

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Urrr… Go home Evelyssa, you’re drunk?

ISLU tho.

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/10 char

Stress…Never been too familiar with that. Bouts of anger or annoyance sure. But I never been stressed out.

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Don’t really know much about the MBTI. You seem to think that I’m behaving weirdly.

I’m sober right now. It’s (pseudo) psychology stuff. There are 16 types of personalities and everyone fits into one. There was another poster Sarm who use to post on the story forums who is also probably an INFP, he doubted himself a lot but didn’t backtrack in expressing himself. You seem to be some sort of ExFx, probably ESFJ or ENFP.

This might help you.

I am either insulted or flattered and I don’t know which because I cannot find an idiot’s guide to these letters on Google.

Unless you think I’m a special effects person?


Ok, I found one. I’m a li’l bit of both maybe?

There’s no type better or worse than the others. I think the type descriptions on this website are pretty good.

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I did a test and it told me I’m a INFJ-T. It called me an advocate. I have feelings on this.


Reading this website’s definition of it sounds… Sorta right-ish? Maybe?