April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

Daily reminder:


One of us, one of us


Elven mains or sympathizers should find me on discord for more merriment.


Reminder that the story forum discord is a terrorist group.


I shall join! Thanks.

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So are we sure there was no change to the book? Why even delay it at all?

Yep, someone on Twitter said there were no changes.

As for why they would delay it, it could be for two reasons.

  1. They wanted people to forget about the controversy for a while and hope it would change after that Wowhead article came out.

  2. What Alynsa said. If supply chain issues were the reason, then they could have also pulled digital sales just to stop people who would have bought a physical copy if it were available from just buying a cheaper digital version.



Are we sure he didn’t just get the original/that shipping company didn’t just goof up and ship the wrong copy?

Lets be honest here, the moment we are all sure of what the “release” copy is this contronversy is going to come back up. This is news after all, and bad news sells.

Was the digital copy cheaper? I thought they were same price(not that I ever buy digital so maybe i just didnt notice)

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Go home, you’re drunk.

Uh, good point. He did get the original, of course. There was no opportunity to buy. the new one.

Digital version are oftej cheaper, but I can’t answer in this specific case.

It could. Wowhead could make another article, for example. They could’ve hoped otherwise.

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The only appropriate response if this is what Blizzard hopes:

I’m not sure they will bother with it again, considering the reaction was negative.

Drunk yet not spreading hearsay or rumors from a Helf argument that got destroyed in a lore debate.

Then again it’s flattering to think after so long we’re still living rent-free in some people’s heads.


Show your proof.

Do you think the people that are talked about in the discord have the same opinion?

You are all welcome to live rent free in my head if you want.

It’s a bit cramped and I haven’t dusted in a while, though.


And out my alt in the Helf discord by posting deleted/censored conversations? Nah. The subjects broached would get me instantly banned here.

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Lame excuse.


Sean Copeland is a hack.


When the Sylvanas novel comes out, Blizzard will find a way to make it racist too.