April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

I don’t. You know they’d just have made it the fun-loving, knowledge-seeking Explorer’s League versus the shady, power-hungry Reliquary.

Frankly, it was the Reliquary that soured me on the idea that “Horde counterpart” organizations can ever be separate-but-equal. They end up being separate-but-evil instead.


I don’t know if swapping one racial charicature for another is a smart idea.

It’s bad enough the Goblins having a mafia take is cheesy enough.

The Alliance doesn’t have to deal with racial stereotypes because the Alliance is all based on one race.


Now I love The Nanny and it would be a hoot if they had a Character like her… but have you seen the show? A good quarter of the show is jokes about being jewish.

She says stuff like : “we dont eat pork - unless it is Chinese barbequed Pork after Temple”

I dont know if Nanny Fine would reduce the Jewish stereotyping - maybe less sinister and more jokey? But I love The Nanny, and would welcome a reference to her.

Goblins being an American charicature is on point. They should lean more into that. Your wording choices are way better. “Cornering the Market” is great, like Wallstreet, it is no different than the Brokers

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I never realized how problematic a lot of media is.

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Media is loaded with unconcious biases.


I want a Nanny Goblin for rule 34 purposes

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Stahp I’m gonna get banned :joy:

If this is what I go down for, Evelysaa, remember me.


I shall honor your memory, my friend!


Don’t worry, you’re too notable to forget


YES. I love it!


Imo having a Mafia theme race is good and fun,

Re: Jewish references, again there’s a line between References/Inspirations using internal cultural themes vs Stereotypes/Racist Tropes of those cultures.

And the line is ultimately determined by members of those cultures.

Who are familiar with those cultural themes and would know best how to subvert them in a safe and proper way.

And the same goes for any of the playable races.

Again: Zekhan being illiterate could’ve been okay if it was centered on a personal class struggle due to his dad dying, so had to leave school to make ends meet.

And overcoming that obstacle could’ve been done via Talanji helping him in his time as ambassador

Instead they did “Dumb Troll can’t read, Local Chill Thranduil teaches him literacy”

Ergo the line between Cultural Inspiration with NUANCE vs Racist Trope

Or take for example how Rachel Bloom pokes at her life as a Jewish woman in Crazy Ex Girlfriend, which has the brevity and nuance necessary for the task as she knows her own culture and the themes therein.

Blizzard needs to be honest, transparent, and self aware what and who the races are based off of and engage with writers and creatives from those communities

And not just One Person per se, nor just Those People assigned to That Race. That would be tokenizing and abusive.

A fully functional multifaceted all hands on deck team is what is needed.

But from the looks of the credits of Exploring Kalimdor, we appear to be a long way from it.


I just wanted to inform you all (especially you Baal) that some already received their books this week. No changes made.
So yeah, that’s that.


Weren’t the books scheduled for a certain date? Those might’ve been the ones already out.

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Some people speculated that there were not going to be changes, and they simply sold out of their printed copies. But then the question became : “why pull the sale of digital copies? Printing issues have no impact there?”

It makes me wonder why they pulled the other versions as well? Was it just seen as a bad move to be selling one while the other is sold out, so they want both on the market? Or were they just hoping the rage would die down after some time?

I wonder - are you sure you received a new edition, or second printing? Maybe you got one of the old ones that was still floating around?

As Arlifrex says, maybe some old ones are still floating around and the new ones haven’t been sent out yet? I guess I am being optimistic.

Oh, it’s certainly an “old” one. As it would be next to impossible to have a new version printed and ready in such a short timeframe. But considering that they sent them out I don’t think they will change anything, since why send out old copies that you would have to recall anyway, it would just cost more money.

It will go down in history as another terrible WoW book. I look forward to the next Wowhead article for me to make a thread about.


It’s could be nothing more than a desire not to cannibalize sales of the print copy. If the only thing available is digital, people will buy digital even if they wanted a print copy. FOMO and all that.


Man, this could be the type specimen of “Horde victories are rare but quest chains; Alliance victories are common but barely touched on except for throw away lines, usually in supplementary media”.

Since the Horde is still holding parts of Ashenvale, they obviously didn’t cede it, which means the night elves did, in theory, boot them out to some extent.

Ugh, Status Cataclysm is annoying and boring. But here we are.