April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

well… that is… you know a gif is worth a million words so…


How hard is it to check the wiki for a thing before referencing that thing?


The guy that wrote this is the lore HISTORIAN.

Honestly the whole insenitive borderline racist thing is kind of distracting from the fact that this bucket of lore inconsistenties and lack of continuity is written by their lore expert.

Until now I genuinely thought this book was written by some random dude who played through Cata and BFA questing content and then wrote a book about it.


No. I wanted to make a “Copeland” joke in my first post of the thread… but I could only fill it with so much bile. I wanted to leave some for others.



“The company stance is that no franchise has characters based on any race, religion, culture etc”

Literally every race in WoW wants a word with you on that.

Also I guess people need to work on their suspension of disbelief, and not take things so seriously?

She is actually making things worse for Sean, not better. :neutral_face:


Cataclysm happened almost 12 years ago, if the franchise historian doesn’t know what’s happened since then that’s a serious problem. The Lor’themar thing doesn’t even have to be viewed from a racial standpoint to be seen as a problem, he’s a busy leader of a kingdom who has to attend to his nation, there are several other characters who have been underutilized that could fill that position. Eitrigg is someone with ambassadorial experience who can help with that and it’d give him more use than just being someone who gets beat up, and if it has to be a Blood Elf then Rommath is also someone who’s been underutilized. Also mentioned is not knowing what erosion is, which is completely idiotic for a Shaman. No survivors from Camp Taurajo invalidates the opening spaces Hawthorne gave the Tauren to escape through which was important characterization for that conflict.

There are just so many problems that it’s hard to give the benefit of the doubt for these things. Belgrom Rockmaul getting positive gains is a red flag whenever Blizzard knows that’s a character who is problematic to the playerbase, because they outright removed him from the game. Gazlowe acting like a jerk gives similar vibes for opposite reasons. So I do feel that out of all the bad examples in the book, some of them were deliberately put in knowing they’re bad. Things were put in that they know players don’t like, which just shouldn’t be done.


Too many people blow past that little stop sign in between the brain and the mouth or keyboard.


I have always found it odd they have a single historian. If there is a story team, shouldn’t there be a complementing lore team?

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Unrelated but he does have the same last name. That was indeed the case for Kenneth COPEland when his boi lost in 2020. :stuck_out_tongue:

One would think. But Bobby needed another yacht so /shrug?

I do love how “Bobby needed another yacht” has replaced, “it will cost us a raid tier”.


Why do I have a strong feeling that it wasn’t…? I mean were living in 2021 where the word “racist” has like 14 million different definitions based upon how deep someone is in their political perspective of things.


She explained that she disagrees with the company’s stance.

But the company has never stated that stance anywhere, in any medium, as far as I can find. And it is blatantly not true. It feels like something stated on the spot to shift blame.


There’s a lot about this company that we don’t know behind the scenes. That’s something to keep in mind regarding the lawsuits and insider stories from current and former employees.


Think about the way that the Diversity At Blizzard article by Bottegoni didn’t use the word race and ethnicity.

Think about how the post lawsuit message from the WoW Team is the FIRST instance of a WoW statement saying the word ethnicity (still no race).

Anyways she tried to evade but has acquiesced to my various replies to her.

Don’t entirely appreciate the “wow you’re very eloquent” in her last replies to me before locking the threads but I’m too tired to get into it, but well, lol

Apparently I’ve been offered to write something to her (and Sean himself presumably??? Feel like he’s typing through her account in some places lol) but have not been DM’d or emailed as of rn so *shrugs aggressively *

Anyways, this is a mess, and their internal systems have failed, and they aren’t escaping accountability this time.


The weird implication not even Sean calls the shots and that it’s a sandbox and that the Game Team has final say is confusing me.

Who is calling the narrative shots?

Who is the captain of this ship of the story?

What is going on? Reveal yourselves foul sorcerers.


That’s atleast partially untrue, because we know both Golden and Roux have been able to make significant lore changes in their books. Roux saved a character from getting killed and Calia being a Light-undead is Golden’s idea, that’s major. One of Shadows Of The Horde’s protagonists was created entirely by Stackpole because he thought the book would be too Horde focused otherwise. Not only that, he included a line in character dialogue referencing “blue Tauren”, which was a nickname given to Trolls who had moved to live in Thunder Bluff for safety, which was conceived from an encounter he had on an RP realm during his research about the game. The idea that these contract authors can have more important impact than an official Blizzard narrative employee who has been employed for 15 years is ridiculous.


Honestly it feels like they know the story is in the gutter and they are just trying to deflect the blame for it being in that state.


Yeah but if you are playing in thier racist sandbox and choose to just double down on the racism instead of trying to bring this narrative into the future than you are part of the problem.

I feel like she’s trying to blame Blizzard for her husband’s poor optics.

This is the SECOND book in six months where he’s portrayed the Horde as noble savages. There’s really no excuse for this.


It’s practically gaslighting to say that no races are based on real-world peoples, when we can see it ourselves, and devs have said so, like in that infamous, now-deleted tweet from Nathaniel Chapman about goblins.


Update she has now vaguely attempted to mitigate by claiming distant Lenape heritage

I’m flabbergasted


Lost, bothered, bewildered

I’m exhausted y’all lol


I mean, Nathaniel Chapman himself implied he didn’t get the Jewish basis of the goblins until they asked him that question.

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