April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

I have rare footage of this entire saga with the dear Copelands. From book release date to the current day.

“it was not intended as racist but I can see how some may interpreted it different. We apologize for any concerns this may have caused.”

They should have just said that and shut up about it.
But seriously the biggest problem is that this crap was written by their lore Tzar. Their expert. The guy they go to to keep things consitent.
Surely this is a bigger issue.


Roux also named Thrall’s daughter and Varok’s mate.


Here is my opinion. Sean Copeland as far as I can tell seems like a good guy. He answer quite a few of my lore question back in the day when he still had twitter(circa MoP). He didnt have to answer the rambling question of some no name player but he did, and for that I am grateful for him.

Even back then he didnt have any control over the story but he did know it/able to tell relatively obscure facts about it.

As for the book itself, I am not sure if he should be blame or at the very least he is only culpable for so much of the issue. For example, the goblins poisoning the Southfury river being precived as anti semetic seems unfair considering it was cata and was tied to goblins being destructive forces against nature. Other, like inproving his reading/writing due to Lothermar(note the book did not say he was illiterate) can be attributed to the fact the general Alliance/Horde citizen is not literate(I mentioned this in another thread) and it was something mentioned in Before the Storm. Although it probably was tone deaf to add.


I haven’t been following the buzz about this book. What’s this about “accidental racism”?

  1. Zekhan being taught to write/read by Lothermar.
  2. goblins “poisoning wells”(well more like poisoning a river which was cata lore)
  3. the troll accent.

I am sure there are others but Bael will probably give you the full rundown.

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AFAIK, game dev says what they want to design, and the writers find a way for it to make sense.



  1. Book invoked “Ignorant Savages” tropes with Troll, had him be taught by Lorthemar (when he was previously too busy with Silvermoon and a now central Horde leader), some Jewish community members pointed out the Poisoning The Well trope, Zekhan using antisemitic tropes in hating the goblins, and even outside of racism there mischaracterization of Gazlowe and the mocking Zekhan does of Teldrassil when he as a troll should grasp genocide uniquely.
  2. Everyone and their mother is shook. Even people normally die hard blizzard defenders and optimists are shook. Even Taliesin and Bellular are shook.
  3. Sean Copeland’s wife April decided to defend her man on Twitter. The various things she has claimed have been: that the game team has final say (???), that it is not just Sean (true, the all White team is listed, but Sean is the AUTHOR), that Blizzard’s official stance is “no race or ethnicity or religion is represented ingame”, IMMEDIATELY back pedaled back tracked and summersaulted to retract that and changed to affirm WoW is entirely representation, and then brought up her distant Lenape heritage (:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:) and her chemo from arthritis (???) toward the end.
  4. Danuser has been MIA all day. Golden has only liked one tweet from April (it wasn’t where she named dropped Golden incoherently but rather one of her attempts to swerve everything). The other story devs on Twitter have only tweeted about the strike or the game awards.
  5. Wowhead is debating writing an article internally. Polygon too. One other group too.

Spicy addendums:

  • One of the Latina leaders inside Blizzard (the one who said corporate tried to shut down Latin American/Diaspora Heritage Month because “optics”) liked the tweets where I collected April
  • I have heard a rumor there is a new Grey Eminence that is actually controlling the lore serving as an intermediary between corporate story team, Blizzard story team, and each individual sub team. I believe this given everything and how corporate story team is Lydia Bottegoni.
  • She said I’m “very eloquent” which thanks but lol c’mon

This is still a medievalesque land and most people are illiterate unless they happen to be of a high rank(except maybe you are an elf but that is because they have practically an eternity to learn). Of which Rekhan is not.

There is literally nothing medieval about Tauren, for example, and we know that Troll societies can write.


Forreal, enough, half the Troll artifact items have legible inscriptions, the Tablet of Shadra quests, the Gurubashi quests both pre and post cataclysm, etc


Didn’t shadows of the horde show Vol’jin knowing Titan language?

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If they didn’t notice the racism in the book, then of course she would say that with no self-awareness. I feel bad you had to read that.


Which tweet is it?

I can understand Zekhan only knowing basic reading and writing and getting some tips on writing this sort of huge report from the laureate of the Horde

But he for sure must of known the basics of reading and writing in Zanalari. It would of been a great chance to of even dug into it and said there was a high Zandali the Zandalari and priestly caste used, and low Zandali the other empires used. But no.

le sigh.


When I say medivelesque I am talking more like it something happened during medieval times/olden times Not that is all castle and stuff.

I dont know. I would need to recheck. Regardless, he is the chief of the tribe and one would assume he would be very knowlegable.

So wait, it this just about Zekhan having a hard time with reading/writing or is there something else in the book? Because I don’t think that’s that big of a deal. Even if Troll societies know how to write, I think it’s well within plausibility that he would have a hard time with it. I think most people in this world aside from the noble/priest/scholar classes wouldn’t know how to read/write very well. Just because a civilization has a writing and reading system doesn’t mean that everyone knows it. And even if they know it, I would expect they’d only know how to read and write relevant information.

The only exception I see to this is elves generally and mostly because they have centuries or thousands of years to learn how to read and write and accumulate knowledge.

I really should buy that book so I can give my full opinionbut 1) it still not available in my country. 2) I spent my book budget buying the WoW popup book(got the last copy at my local book story and with a 50% discount to boot)

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We literally never see that. To the contrary, the homeless in Westfall can read pamplets. People across the board, of every race, mention books and reading. Nothing anywhere suggests illiteracy exists as the norm.


Let’s all forget Westfall’s narrative exists, because 90% of that is a CSI joke. I don’t think the quest designers put a lot of thought into it.


Regarding the notable Korean boy band BTS

Of all things

It’s so banal and insolent