April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

They will never spend that amount of money to make a wow 2. As much as we would all like something like that…

Yeah that sort of investment is exremely unlikely.


I dont know if ABK has the internal will and kind of talent needed to take on such an ambitious effort. New products are full of risk and investors dont like risk. The Blizzard who made WoW was a lot more scrappy than it is today.

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With the latest failure of an MMO from Amazon they are right to feel secure.

Riot is making some pretty good moves though.
If their new MMO follows the trend they are following…
Thats when they will announce WoW 2.
They have done this for years to kill competition and then switch back to sleep mode.


They’ve made statements before that they have something to that effect in-house, so the resources should be there.

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No. This “wow2” doesn’t need to happen the 2 reboot happens with other games when they just flatout die into nothing. Wow doesn’t need a “WoW2”.

This story is frustrating in how so much of it is just craps all over everything previously established to the point where you can’t even tell what’s right and what wrong. Game lore is now being retconned despite stuff in game going against those retcons and books are unreliable “point of view” sources now. Then there’s interviews where they’ll eventually end up saying something that was never established in game or even in their books that will also end up not making sense. Then there’s also blizzcon where we don’t need to go anymore into that since we have people that would go to these event and call them out on the spot, but they have gone the route now of not even including certain questions during those types of events.

Where will it end? How am I supposed to look at the lore that’s moving forward and be excited for the next thing even when controversial?


I met the baby. It needed to be tossed.

I told her to her husband to write Exploring Azeroth: Nothern with a Forsaken protagonist.

I would buy this day one.

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I am not sure they will do any more of this series after the backlash for the Kalimdor one, tbh.


it’s all fan-made, but it has a Forsaken protagonist basically doing what these new books are doing, years before and arguably better http://destron.blogspot.com/

also, I get that the writers have their hands tied about certain things, but it still sounds like they haven’t actually played the game in some parts…


If I had been them I would of split Kalimdor, with a Kaldorei and Draenei duo perspective for everything north of the Southfury River, and Team Zekhan to the south of that.

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I guess by “WoW 2” I wasn’t thinking like an entirely new game but maybe like a time skip or something? With “WoW 2” being more to really drive home “we’ve heard you and rebuilt guys, we’ll do better with this fresh start”

Assuming that’s actually the case of course

It is, I mean I know that WoW is like “game mechanics first yo” - but surely the story still matters?

Like, isn’t that the frame that provides the context for the gameplay itself? And if it’s just nonsensical and all over the place with constant contradictions we’re supposed to what? Just be like, “yo-ho let me just kill these mobs and farm and run dungeons and raid and who cares why because I’mma just press mah buttons”?

What’s the point in any story at that stage? Might as well just re-skin the mobs we’re fighting each expac and forget the story altogether

No Blizzard that’s not what anybody wants, pls

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I give you a Player of the Forum badge for this, thanks!

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Honestly, it feels like they haven’t played, or they quit in Cataclysm and Googled the highlight reel of everything after.

Every exerpt I’ve read feels stuck in 2010, except where the writers know BfA made a change, and only kinda heard what changes those were. “Big tree burned, elfs angry, got it!! I can fill in the blanks no problem!!!”


The excuses given by April are such bullcrap. If what’s been put in the book was dictated by “game writers” then those are the people who should have wrote the book. Sean Copeland is also the franchise historian and the amount of inaccuracies in Exploring Kalimdor is unacceptable from someone of his position, even if he was told what to write it’s his job to make sure that the lore is consistent. It’s obvious to me now that the historian role is useless and I’m on the brink of thinking that he should be fired for this. If he’s not keeping the history in check then what the hell is he doing?

I’ve seen some other tweets from April, one of which is pointing the blame to Danuser. Even if he’s the one at fault, it’s Sean’s job to tell him when he’s wrong. Another tweet says that Lor’themar was teaching Zekhan Thalassian which we were supposed to know from inference. The only thing implying that is Lor’themar being a Blood Elf, though Thalassian is not used at any point in the book. That explanation is such a stretch, and it wouldn’t have been difficult at all to either reword the sentence to better explain that or directly explain that it’s Thalassian which he’s teaching him.


Can someone tell me what the big deal is?

The worst offences of the book seem to be somehow we are back in time during cataclysm and yet somehow BFA happened too… so barely anything has changed.

Is this because of the Lorthemar teaching caligraphy to Zehkan? What context am I missing?

I have worked in the publishing industry before, and I really feel like the copy editing part of the publishing cycle for this book really fell down. All of this stuff should of been caught by their copy editors. Or did they not have those?

Well, Trolls are seen a PoC inference into the game, and the connotation was that he was illiterate, and had to be taught by the white eurocentric elf. Then there was the fact he somehow didnt know what erosion was despite the fact he literally works with earth elementals. There were several other examples of that sort of thing, as well as some blatantly incorrect statements like the Alliance left no survivors from Taurajo

I think they intended to depict him as very young, but it came across as just being very ignorant.


Yeah I would have personally had Lorthemar teach Zekhan a specific cultural thing of the Sindorei like a unique poem format/style. That would have worked better imo.

But I read Evelysaa’s post.
This guy is the lore historian and he wrote this travesty? Jesus christ.
How is the story council is going to communicate story issues when the writer’s main source of information on story history has no clue what the story is?

There is no hope for this game and franchise. Just wow.
And people are paying 20 dollars for this thing?



So much for an apology.


Is it ironic that their last name is COPEland?

Anyone? Anyone?! Just me? ok then…


I had no idea the response were so aggressive against her like that :cold_sweat:

In this thread I may come off as dismissive towards the writing itself, but I at least under where she’s coming from with her husband’s position in all of this. She’s trying, but too much of the lore now is just so screwed and getting way more complicated than it needs to be, tbh.