April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

Taking inspiration from IRL doesn’t necessarily mean that they have to 100% replicate it.

If they make it their own thing, which they’ve done time and time again, it’s no longer tied to its IRL “counterpart” and thus Blizzard is free to do whatever they wish.


Are they Latin Americans too?

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All I can say to that is


Nope. They are not.

And I agree, this forums has strayed from being about the story and is focusing way too much on real life.


The issue with IRL cultural insensitivity in WoW was and has always been due to Blizzard’s inherent lack of worldbuilding and their steady chipping away at what little is there. As a result, the real life cultures those player races take cues from, and inspiration, became far more noticeable which as a result means that more often than not some nerd who’s never been outside suburbia or a university campus before encountering the real world is going to put their foot in their mouth eventually.

It’s become an increasing issue since Cataclysm and has only gotten worse. Using real life cultures as a point of reference for fantasy or sci-fi is essentially unavoidable, but if you build on it and add more unique aspects, it becomes its own entity. Elder Scrolls is a decent example of this, which has many of their races take from real world cultures in a certain way but adds so much that they become their own thing.

Stuff like this is just another example of them resting on their laurels for too long when the laurels weren’t even that good to start.


The game has been doing this for 17 years now, I don’t know how people expect that to change at the drop of a hat.

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The line between one and the other isnt so neat as that. One informs the other and vice versa. Media of all types are the same way really.

It would not be so bad for WoW, though, if their lore wasn’t so bare bones. There is so little there often is all you have is the RL cultural coding, and much of that is 20 years old and not as well accepted as it was back when the ideas were first put to paper.


“The low key racism has been there since Vanilla, why bother asking for change” is not the look, Evelysaa.

One thread in the 20 most recent topics.

Ok, sure, you’re def not over-stating things at all.


I want to know why people get into this game and see something they take so much offense to, then continue playing and supporting a developer group who is so slow to address these things let alone fix them.


There’s no racism in the story other than what’s intended to exist within the canon, like that involving Orcs vs Humans. Racism within the story relating to IRL cultures and tropes doesn’t exist.

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Then ask that question instead of telling people it’s annoying when they’re bringing up an issue reflecting poor characterization and representation, maybe?

Ok, 10-Post Classic Alt. I’m sure you’re very proud of that stance.


My post count is irrelevant :man_shrugging:


How about you answer the question now that it’s been brought up?

Of course there is. Racism, sexism, and classism bleed into the story from its creators, because the creators are people and use their experiences as people to inform their creative process.

It isn’t a conscious thing. Microaggressions are something you do without meaning to, but they still hurt. Its a death by 10,000 paper cuts.


A notable lawsuit that named women of color as suffering unique policive abuse?

Perhaps the creative director being named an serial abuser in many ways?

Mayhaps the multiple devs that have revealed there is rampant racism in Blizzard in multiple departments and systemically?

Maybe the co-leader who cared about the story fleeing after describing being tokenized when she wasn’t given equal pay during a laboral compensation discrimination lawsuit situation?

Because we are used to racist tropes as one off sporadic things in media

The game used to interrogate the tropes it invoked

Because at the end of the day Warcraft is ultimately an antiwar game that attempted to parody and criticize IRL discourses once upon a time

Now they’re just slapping a trope instead of any nuance or world building and calling it a day


I suppose for the same reason Rosa parks didn’t stop using the bus and instead sat there stubbornly. You don’t get change by just giving up and going somewhere else.


Honestly? I’d answer it if I felt it had been asked in good faith. You’ve pivotted from criticising someone for criticising Blizzard’s misuse of a dialect they made a choice to use in the first place to deciding the opinions of people outside this small forum don’t matter to now asking why p[eople play WoW while also criticising it… Which is a thing you also do.

So the question doesn’t feel at all asked with the intent of hearing an honest answer.


They took inspiration from a dialect and made it their own thing, it wasn’t misuse and you clearly agree given you say it was a conscious choice by Blizzard.


No they didn’t; they outright copied it. But it’s okay, Irrelevent Post Count Classic Alt.