April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

I actually could to a degree believe that. The game team would likely have purview over anything that might interrupt their plans or be seen as a promise for certain changes.

Hence everything is a very dull statis quo.


thats not what i mean, if its really an editorgroup, you would notice more things in this direction.

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And was mainly about the Alliance and it’s perspectives

They are physically incapable of writing the Horde without relying on the IRL racist tropes of the race’s analogues

It’s bewildering and pathetic and undeniably internalized racism and a lack of creativity


I’m calling BS. That’s not usually how it works. I doubt they never not once included him in any discussions


That’s what annoys me too. It could have been used to fix a lot of issues with having the faction that borrows a lot of POC cultures being “Savages that need the White Eurocentric faction to save them”

Especially now that they’ve been looking at how to update Azeroth.

Even if you don’t take that into account the giant amount of inaccuracies from the freaking Lore Historian that could have easily been solved by going to a wiki or logging into the game.

The whole thing is an irredeemable mess.


Do you know if they have any writers who don’t identify as liberals?


And not only the horde races, the Night Elves too.


The. “How dare the Night elves be angry for being genocided” really took me out.


i think this judgement isn´t fair…the skinncolor have nothing to do with this problem.

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Given Mage Tower currently I’d be marginally willing to buy that the gameplay team is the root of all evil, sure.


or the “they will even attack this place if they archieved vengeance for Teldrassil” nonsense…i mean, what? Why is its the night elf faults if the orcs choose to remain inside the night elf territory.

It makes the entire thing…such an stupid stand, uff, really bad pr.


What you just said is comparable to Roux’s tweets. Don’t be surprised if one of the mods removes it. And yes, I’ve seen a lot of self-identified liberals on the WoW Forums who are fake and really backward on certain issues.


This is controversial and off-topic, but I they brought back the old appearances.

Don’t forget the"wow Elune really sucks as a goddess, letting her people die just like that."


To be entirely honest this isn’t even just a lack of sensitivity. Even if Zekhan were, say, entirely his own teacher when it comes to reading and writing, the rest of the content is practically unusable amongst prior lore. It gets things blatantly wrong in some portions, retcons other things for little to no reason, takes odd potshots at Night Elves that almost read like someone in RP going ‘it’s totally IC bro, don’t take it OOC, I have no issue OOC I swear!!’ and almost deliberately turns away from far more viable options to explore the current state of things.


ah yeah…the “Elune is a bad spirit” nonsense…uff, yeah.


to be honest, it would no suprise for me at this point if we end in an lifeland future in “fighting against elune because she was allways a villian…because blizz know they messed up and zovhal was an unknown dude…elune would be an fully known entity from the playerbase, so they choose her as the enemy for us player”


Ha Ha Ha, so true.
And without talking about writing stories ourselves, i guess that most of us are more competent to simply correct their mistakes.
They are so big that anyone here could figure what is wrong.

Well, i suggested this to this lady as a friendly advice.
Let’s see if they will be wise enough to redo the book from scratch or arrogant enough to tell us to go to hell.

Exactly, except if he is a name loan, it’s hard to believe that an author don’t know most of its own book.

Also making so much mistake like forgeting the night elve outpost in Bashal’aran build at BfA or no survivor at Taurajo in Cataclysm are enough to question his worth as a (so-called) historian.

Damn it, just take a look at the book on the Eastern kingdoms from Golden: I really enjoyed the reading of this one.
We have the aftermath of the fourth war for the EK but in Kalimdor it’s a return to the Cataclysm era like their wasn’t a fourth war before?

I wish that Golden took care of Kalimdor too. Regardless of the quality of her work, at least she seems to know better than Copeland what’s going on in the game.

In Shadow rising, Zekhan was not that dumb to be fair, he should be able to understand why a nearly wiped out population is angry against the perpetrator of said genocide.
It seems that Copeland has a different take on the character.

They do that, you can be certain that the reaction of the playerbase will be extremly negative.
Just see the reactions when they made Elune a dumbass for not knowing what is happening in Shadowland: Video unlisted in less than one day from Youtube.

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they don´t care about if the playerbase care or like such things, even negative reaction is still reaction. (Their pov)

I truly hope not.
But with the current writers- never say never.
They really seem to think that making the players feel miserable all over again is the best strategy to keep us invested in the lore…