April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

He was not given the final draft of the book he wrote?



Yes. That is what April claimed immediately before locking. That he was totally unaware of the final contents and grammar of the book and didn’t know who wrote it.


here are some of her claims to read for all of you, most of them are deleted now.


It wasn’t in Sean’s final draft, but someone else REALLY wanted Lor’themar to teach Zekhan how to write, and made sure to insert it?


Zekhan is an up and coming young Shaman, trained in the ways of diplomacy, Spiritualism, and culture in addition to the ways of the Elements. He’s talented but is still needing to prove himself, and get a handle on a lot of new responsibilities that have been placed upon him. In order to accomplish this, he partakes in an expansive vision/spirit walk to look at current state of Kalimdor and then keeps a journal of what he sees.

  1. This establishes him as a powerful Shaman with a talent for more Spiritual aspects of the profession, something the Horde currently lacks to an extent.

  2. It removes the issue of a biased viewer. He’s seeing things as they are and it’s his duty to record them as such.

  3. Completely removes the influence of Lor’themar, who holds sway over an EK nation and doesn’t need to be around.

  4. Allows for a lot of interesting and cool moments by way of the spirit journey. He could speak to ancient spirits, check on the status of natural healing in the land and what places need extra help, encounter some loa or Wild Gods that see him and chat, or even cross paths with others of a similar ilk to him, like a Tauren Spiritwalker or a Sister of the Moon.

There, I just fixed their stupid book.



You do know that the Highborne that followed Dath’remar rebelled against Azshara as well. For the same reasons Dath’remar had.

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because of other reasons, they had still a mindset that had no problem to enslave an entire race to serve them.

And you know this how?

The Highborne that became the High elves were slowly dying after being exiled from new Kalimdor. A single vial of the WoE wasn’t going to be enough to sustain them and their arcane addiction. The sunwell was created on a ley line hub / nexus for that very reason. Which just so happened to be on a sacred Amani burial site…

If they wanted to survive they had to work alongside the humans.

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Apparently, she responded positively to someone asking “How can fictional characters be racist?”

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Along with the rest of the problematic passages (Gazlowe, the poisoning river, etc)

Ergo why I keep mentioning the Mysterious Racist Grey Eminence

It’s a language IRL

Either they should’ve done what Roux did and written in SAE or hired a translator to perfect the AAVE or Jamaican Patois grammar


how i know this? simple, its written down in chronicle 1 …dath’remar was the only reason they didn´t enslave them, because he forbid it.

the Poisoning river is a plotpoint since cata, and it was never cleansed.

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Even more egregious than that, IMO, is his supposed incredulity at the fact that the night elves continue to fight against the Horde. While the Horde is continuing its invasion and occupation of eastern Ashenvale. It’s just so weird to Zekhan that an occupied people, who just survived a genocide at the hands of their occupiers, are continuing to resist said occupation. It’s just so sad that they can’t let go of their anger and let the Horde invade in peace.

I don’t think anyone’s opposed to the idea that Silvermoon has a vibrant intellectual scene. It’s more the fact that the oldest lore we have on the Zandalari is that they are a nation of priests, scholars and scribes. Obviously, BfA went in a different direction and greatly emphasized their military, navy and martial prowess. But still, that lore is still on the books, so to speak. And it’s not like they locked themselves away like Suramar. Zandalar stayed up to date on everything happening in the world the whole time. So their libraries should be just as impressive and extensive as Silvermoon’s, if not even moreso.


You’re just making up words now.


usualy i would have no problem with the strict differentiation of a fantasy race and rl cultures…but this time, its sooo obviously that this was suppose to be racist, that its disgusting.

and the book overall was really bad.

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Arlifrex Grey Eminence is a historical term :sob: it’s a Catholic political term for the middle ages and Renaissance (and arguably modern day too)


Zekhan specifically says that the Night Elves are throwing their lives away in a conflict neither the Horde nor Alliance want, but that is not true, since the Horde is still occupying Ashenvale. It’s a mess.


maybe this represent the official horde pov about ashenvale…“the eastern ashenvale is ours…so the night elves are unreasonable”

its weird, its dumb, but it would be not entirely unbeliefable.

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As a white “liberal” (i’m more center left) I find this offensive.

Personally I would avoid making generalized statements like this. These people are cowards yes. But I don’t see how their political leanings have anything to do with that. Given that there people from the other side of that political isle that makes similar comments to this then tries to deny them.

Also as an Australian whenever I see someone use the term “White Liberals”, the first thing to come to mind is the Australian Liberal Party, which is “right wing”.