April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

Her tweets are protected now, so I can’t go back and read them unless she lets me follow her.

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Did she? I’m not on twitter, but if she did, than I take back what I said about the whole Zekhan thing not being racist.

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I know what it says, I am not defending them certainly. I am just saying that a book with so many basic factual errors would lead me to concede the possibility they misspoke there as well.

That does not make it better. The book is still a flaming hot mess.

Lol… if he didn’t… then Blizzard really needs to consider its ghost writers. But Blizzard needs to consider… so many things. So many.

And the Zandalari have been a contiguous empire for over 10,000 years. I think they might have a book or two.


Oh, I wasn’t responding to anything you said. I just pointed that out in case anyone was confused.

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Yeah, at this point I really don’t think it’s salvageable and their attempts at damage control are just making it worse. BURN IT!


To the ground, as the ex-Cosby Suite dev Ghostcrawler would say.

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Don’t suggest burning books to an Archivist. Even the real bad ones.


And I’m confident half her Twitter will be gone if she ever unlocks again :roll_eyes:

She did. I called out the evading and she flipped immediately. Swiftly. Disavowed the whole thing.

That Sean was a pure and innocent soul who had no idea what the final ready to publish manuscript contained

And that Sean has no idea who wrote that passage or the Habitual Be errors or the antisemitic tropes or all the bad parts otherwise

Ergo my fascination with the Mysterious Grey Eminence Racist at Blizzard

Purge by fire or hire an internal DIE Review Team to scrutinize the narrative as a permanent PERMANENT fixture

This book needs to be retracted entirely and a new one published done right


Hilarious that this could have all been prevented if Blizzard bothered to hire an editor. Or even bothered to use one of several wikis, much less asked this forum vague questions via alts.


How does the author of a book not know what is in his own book? Dude should have a little humility and admit he messed up big time


It just makes me so angry. I was looking forward to the book actually. It was a good opportunity to expand on the lore and maybe make amends and they just… screwed up big time. How is that even possible?


Not bothering to care for or respect the source material.


I agree there. It is a half baked cake right now. No one likes half baked cakes.

If true, That would indicate Blizzard mostly just used his name as an appeal to authority, and have since left him out to dry. Which does seem on brand for most corporations.

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Speaking of the issue with the Dark Portal and The Well of Eternity, it reminds me of how there were Dark Portals all over the place, in alpha, I think, and Jonathan Staats, I believe, said it was because the team didn’t know where the Dark Portal was supposed to be.

You see, he gave the initial manuscript, and never saw anything ever again, and doesn’t even have a copy right now



I have a hard time believing this tbh


well its the excuse writers from blizzard always do “ITs a team effort, they have no power.” Whos the secret racist on the team that seems to have so much sway where the story goes that he can override all the writers


What I wonder then, why is this not in Exploring EK? and in all the other books if there is supposed to be a secret… “Narrative Racist” group as she suggests, no, just in this book only is it, in what bore his name, coincidental? If it were the editors’ group, it would be in every book.

This woman isn´t beliefable.


And she also claimed the Game Team has the final say.




The book starred two humans.