
Can we take a moment to appreciate what true love for the game looks like. Look at those Sets. ht tps://



Ew gross, he did the orc monk set as blademaster armour. People who think blademasters are monks physically disgust me.

Why you could post the link correctly, when the forums didn´t let me at all WTF.

I has a higher trust level

Trust issues xD

Hire this man instead of whatever your art team is doing to sets. Armor type sets look like stupid dungeon sets (Even worse than Legion dungeon sets mind you). Noone asked for tier sets to be removed. Noone asked for class sets to be removed. Noone asked for armor type sets.

Don’t fix what isnt broken. Revert back to class sets.


WOW!!! I’ve only looked at three of the sets so far, and I’ve been blown away by all of them!! The KT are particularly awesome!!!

That’s some next level dedication right there, the guy who did it has an incredible amount of skill, by Elune!

Kinda because specific gear for every race-class combo is not efficient for development time.
When we get something like automated AIs to create/convert everlasting content, then they can be more extravagant with these things.

The Darkspear shaman set is exactly what I want the Heritage armor to be like. If I was being nit-picky i’d maybe tweak the mask a bit but thats a very minor thing. Would love to see some of these skillful designs implemented.

Really interesting ideas indeed.

It’s almost like there were more ways to creatively express race/class combos per tier… but how can that be when Blizz explored everything they wanted to creatively with the current library of tier sets?

Obviously this artist is in league with the old gods.


The gnome priest was great!

Yeah but that NELF rogue needs to DIAF

I loved them so much, the DK Orc gives me a Necrolyte/ 2nd war DK vibe to it and i love it.

Really? I rather liked it.

I like a lot of his stuff. These are great ideas on what heritage armor really should have been like. Each race and class could have had a different scenario to obtain these armors.

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Gimme gimme GIMME

The KT druid helm cracked me up, that expression.

Cyniel, why :sob: