“AhhhhhhhHHHH. Ishnu’alah, weary traveler. Go grab 20 bare a**es.”
I mean I don’t really like Canadians either but I’m not gonna tweet about it.
Dern foliage and their homophotosythensizin’.
Wearing leaves has been attributed to savages and/or hippies in modern days, considering elves are both savages and night elves being particularly savage hippies, it fits.
Because these places are nothing more than an echo chamber for people to complain & agree with each other. I stopped using social media sites around 8 years ago cause I was getting sick of people constantly complaining about trivial BS(I’ve come to understand it has gotten worse over the years). The worse offender was my cousins wife who at the time when I left, was complaining that it was wrong that she was fired from Starbucks after SHE dumped a bunch of cream in a coworkers coat all because he disagreed with her opinion.
I have some bad news to break to you.
Elves are faeries.
Celtic Fairies are actually pretty bad a$$.
You know what I’m cancelling myself!!
Shame spirals out of control
Yeah! I’m cancelling myself too!
Claims to be an old school WoW player.
Upset by leaves in Night Elf hair.
Clearly not that old school. OriginalWoWBox.jpg Warcraft3ElfBox.jpg
I’m way more offended than usual!
Muh lived experience
This will all end in tears and chunky monkey. Better live tweet it so everyone knows how hard things really are around here.
saw one where the guy basically said if people weren’t liberal they were less than human and needed to be reeducated. Sad part is people agreed with this guy.
Have I told you about the hardships of being a Gnome?!
what about the elfs from guild wars 2 then…they are practically leafs entities…
I dunno, we do have killing hornets running around.
can we also have snow in the hair of some races?
Twitter is not known for it’s I.Q level, i will simply… leave… it at that.
Fair enough. I don’t really like folks who make sweeping generalizations and blanket judgments of entire groups of people over what are probably minor negative experiences from a small handful of people from said group.
I just checked out the new customizations for Nelfs. I’ll be making more Nelfs. Wow, it looks awesome! Well done art team (as usual).
Totally thought this was gonna be about mythic + “leavers” and OP just typo’d
It was always tears and a spoon in a can of buttercream icing for me.