Apperently leaves are now gay

Anti-SJW are the same as SJW tbh .

Straights hate enjoyable or nice things, which is why all of us gays get to enjoy them.


Twitter is the last platform I would ever consider taking seriously. Just saying. I don’t really care what leaves in hair is. It is just more customization for characters in a video game and it harms no one. Heck, if I were to create a NE (male or female) I might add them myself. They’re neat, and it’s for tree elves, so…

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No im spreading around my view point that linking being gay and having leaves(or to be honestly any sort of clothing) is a stupid idea. Not to mention you probably shouldnt be using lore to justify such a view point when you didnt even bother to check the lore in the first place.

I didnt actually go out my way, if anything it was just something that pop up on feed. As for why I made the thread, I just found the idea that people can somehow link being gay and leaves as hilariously bad.


I mean hasn’t everyone had fun inside a bed of leaves with their man ( you know what I mean … also dont lie I know everyone has had atleast 1 night with a guy :slight_smile:

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No one should care about anything ever said on Twitter.

That’s your first problem.

Fair … enough?

Actually, it makes me wonder who and why are you following to get a message like that to pop up in the Twitter’s creeper bar (or feed if you will), but i digress. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well, the idea of people linking anything they dislike with that word has been a thing on the internet for quite awhile now. It’s a word that pretty much lost all meaning and can mean whatever you want it to be.

As for this specific example you bought up, i yet to see people complain like this on a larger scale, which lead me to my “just one silly weirdo” comment.

It’s just Twitter doing something Twitter… :man_shrugging:

But to get to my thoughts on the customization option, i don’t mind it’s existence really. I personally not going to use them myself, but it’s more optional customization options to choose from a smorgasbord of options were gonna get, and i’m still happy for it regardless. :slight_smile:

If you’re a guy I assume you spend every night with at least 1 guy.

Unless you’ve found a way to not spend the night with yourself, anyway.

So you’re saying that I should hire gay people to rake my lawn because I have more pressing matters in General Discussion such as the sexuality of leaves and because gay people love leaves?


Nothing to see there.

:stuck_out_tongue: I wish lol my husband works most nights so its lonely in this tower lol

That’s a gamer in his natural habitat.

Complaining about irrelevant things being “gay” “sjw” “feminist” on twitter. When in reality, it’s just stuff he doesn’t like and he has to cope really hard with it.


I say we write some illidan Malfurion yaoi fan fiction where they are playing in a bed made of leafs

It’s funny how the crowd that complains about people being snowflakes is always the first offended about the dumbest, most trivial things…

But, whatever. I’m secure in who I am. My NE is gonna rock those leaves in his beard, whether a few sad people think of it as a SJW statement or not lol.


That is the irony of the Anti-SJW community. I use to watch a lot of those videos. Because I was ignorant, I was uninformed and I had the same trash opinions they did.

But I learned, I educated myself and I got out of that alt-right rabbit hole pipeline. And now when I look back at those guys, it’s just so incredibly silly the things they get angry about.


You seem hungry, have a snickers.

And someone didn’t get the joke.

If we’re trying to create the worse yaoi fanfic we should have Malfurion playing with Illidan in a bed of leaves in bear form.

Geez can’t consenting adults love each other without getting a label slapped on them? And don’t even get me started on the leaves do you have any idea how many plants get into a threesome with the bees? There was that one year it was so hot my squash flowers were closing before the bees got to them so I had to go out with a paintbrush and do the deed myself!


Claiming that a person is gay if they wear leaves in their hair would be a very stupid idea if we were just talking about humans, but it’s absolutely moronic when the character in question is a Night Elf, a race that practically worships nature.

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