I’m pretty sure people say it mostly as a joke because one time Blizzard actually did tell us something would cost a raid tier if they did it.
Fury Road was incredibly bland and boring. After all the glowing reviews I expected a good movie. What I got was so bad that I could only come to the conclusion that the reviews were artificially inflated because of the female co-lead. SJWs insisting bad is good.
Oh yeah I know it’s a meme lol I’m just saying I’m surprised it hasn’t popped up in regards to these customizations.
Linking twitter outrage should be bannable.
That explains it all
Fury road was a masterwork of cinematography, and if you had seen MM or Road Warrior the pacing was how it should have been.
See also: Blade Runner 2049.
I dont think this was outrage more like a collectively eyeroll, especially considering the dude quoted that lorewise the night elves would never have male leaf hair even though their artwork shows them with it.
Wow you got one person saying something stupid
Why a thread for it?
Because I find the idea that certain segments of people still think gayness is associated with certain looks is kinda funny? Not to mention that the guy quoted lore of all things as justification for why this type of look is unacceptable.
If I took any segment of Twitter to be a representation of any real life outlook I’d probably just give up on life
It’s Twitter. They’re all idiots.
Everything on twitter is dumb.
I can’t say that with certainty because I have no desire to read any of it, much less all of it.
WoW’s take on nelves is actually quite odd and distorted. The only reason dumb comments like twitter post in OP can even exist is because it’s taken 15 years for nelves to get back to their Samwise-designed RTS roots.
Leaves make them look like trees. And i’m agreed with Sylvanas on trees.
he’s right you now, y’know what color leaves are? GREEN
you know what color the pride symbol has in it? GREEN
this is an indisputable, logical conclusion that proves leaves are in fact, gay
this is a jokeAre you hearing the vibrations of the universe yet?
Leaves are an open type… they fall for anyone!
This is just people being stupid. While I feel the SJW types do try to peddle their ideas across mediums this isn’t one of those times.
It took Fry 100 cups.
How the hell does someone find FR Bland or boring?
It was action packed to hell, and had a very clear and unique style.
Dislike the movie all you want, those are weird criticisms of it though.